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Xie Yuchen came running behind Wu Xie he got scared watching him running behind some vehicle

"Hey Tianzhen what happened? Why are you running like this behind that car "?

"Xie Yuchen... He... That...hah wait let me take a breath "

"Yes,have a break come sit down" he pat his back and took him to the public table..

"Here have some water"

He drank half of the bottle in one go

"Xiao Hua, that evil Zhang Rishan knew that I wanted to meet Zhang Qiling but he took him away and didn't even stop the car" he started complaining to his friend who was more like a brother to him .

"What why do you want to meet him Wu xie "

"I just want to say hi and get to know him ,he seems like a nice man "

"But may be he didn't want to meet you that's why he didn't stop , so stop thinking so much about a stranger you met in the morning and come with me I'll drop you at home " .

"I just wanted to hear him, but it's ok let's go "

Soon they reached at Wu Xie's apartment and Xie Yuchen bid bye to him .

Wu Xie absent minded opened the door to his apartment and didn't notice that there was someone already inside it .

"Wu Xie "the voice called

The voice was like a melody to Wu Xie's ear , the long lost piece of his puzzle , the serenity to his chaos

He looked up and saw him sitting on his couch .

"Zhang Qiling" he spoke in a very timid voice

"Hey ,wait Zhang Qiling what are you doing here in my apartment,at my sofa? Wait how do you know that I lived here" he asked in a single breath .

"Who's Xie Yuchen to you" he asked ignoring his question

"Why does it matter to you ? You are just a random stranger who I accidentally helped . Leave my house this instant or I'm gonna call cops "

"You won't" he spoke in a very cold voice

Wu xie didn't speak anything he picked up his mobile phone and dialled a number , after two rings the call was picked

"Hello 911 ,How can I help you" a feminine voice came from that side.

"Hi , I want to rep.......ummmmmm"

And the call was cut

Wu xie bit the skin of palm which was placed on his mouth

"Zhang Qiling what's wrong with you"?

"Everything"he spoke in his low yet authorative tone

"Get out"

"Don't you feel that pull Wu xie"? He asked getting dejected .

"I don't feel anything and for your kind information I'm not interested in your talks so go from here"

"You came in my life first Wu xie, I won't let you go now" he told him more like warned and went outside

Wu Xie got scared of his tone and his legs felt wobbly , he sat down taking the help of door .

"What's his problem" he spoke to blank walls .


Sometimes we break our own rules, listen to our heart despite our mind deny of doing something but this heart is evil nobody have control over it

Zhang Qiling went back to his penthouse where he saw Ah Ning waiting for him

"Baby are you ok? Is everything alright Zhang Rishan informed me that you were admitted to hospital suddenly and I came back as soon as I got his call and...

"I'm ok" he spoke trying to end this conversation because his mind still was stuck on that brown eyed boy and seeing colours after so many years were hurting his eyes and messing with his brain , he lied to his own brother that he couldn't see complete colours but he was able to see each and everything clearly and brown seemed to be his new favourite colour .

"He told me that you could see few colours? What's happening, why was Xie Yuchen that heir of betrayers there"? She asked trying to get more information out of him but he was tired of everything going around and especially the brown haired boy who was messing with his head and emotions .

"I'm sleepy" he said without any emotions .

"Let me accompany you"

"Go home"

And the next thing he knew that an angry Ah Ning left his personal space and went and he was in his car driving towards the apartment of Wu Xie whose address he may have come across by coincidence when Zhang Rishan was discussing it with his men .

He found the door unlocked and sat inside waiting for him .

But the brown eyed boy have a very different reaction to his presence, totally different from what he expected he even called the cops and angrily threw him out of his apartment .

But why he behaved like that? Was he not the one to talk to him eagerly? Did Xie Yuchen said something against them or may be told him to stay away from his family.

But how could he? He was feeling that his lost puzzle of life have been finally solved and he just needs to place it at it's original place to let the puzzle complete but suddenly his vision started getting blurry, colours faded right before his sight and he fall on the gate creating a loud thud sound .


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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