Prologue Part 1

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January 12th 2016 morning

It was 6:00 am at hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry the Ravenclaws were reading the Hufflepuffs were talking the Slytherins spoke in quiet whispers but none were as loud as the  Griffindors .

A/N: i know you've probably seen this in like 100 more fanfics but bear with me. 

On the end of the table sat the Golden Trio made up of . Harry Potter black messy hair glasses and the obvious ring leader getting his friends in dangerous situations. Next to him was Ron Weasley the youngest boy in the family with 5 brothers and 1 little sister a ginger with freckles and you'll most likely never see him without food but a strategist . Finally Hermione Granger the intellectual muggle born who always has her nose in a book.

Everyone knows it wasn't always 3 but 4  there was another girl. Estella Black the sarcastic sassy daughter of supposed mass-murderer Sirius Black ran away and now no one knows where she is. It was like she disappeared off the face of the earth. 

Everyone was pulled out of their conversations or thoughts by the doors flinging open to reveal the idiot minister for magic , the pink toad .... wait that's offensive to toads anyway...Umbridge , all Aurors , Amelia Bones ( she is not dead ) and the order of the phoenix sirius in dog form storm in "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ALBUS" Cornelius screeched calmly. "what are you doing here........."   

Suddenly an orange circle appeared in the sky and 5 boys and 2 girls fell from the sky the men landed in a pile while the girls landed on their feet ( one in a pose) 

"what did you do stark"

"it wasn't me"


"I will when stark does "

Were just some of the phrases used.

Dumbledore was about to speak when a girl that looked vaguely like Estella Black spoke up "boys get up we have an audience "

"wait what"

Was the common choice of words.  

It was then when Dumbledore finally got a word in 

"Would you all be so kind as to introduce yourselves"  

"Tony Stark"

"Steve Rogers"

"Clint Barton"


"Bruce Banner"

"Natasha Romanoff"

"Estella ....... Black"

371 words  

A/N: I hope you all have a wonderful day

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