Prologue Part 2

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That was the only way to describe the room you could hear a pin drop 

"Stella?" came the anxious voice of Hermione Granger

"Mione hey" Estella said surprised

"Kid what are we doing here ....... now that i think about it where are we"

"This would be my old school and i don't know why we are here. In fact could someone explain why we are here"

"I'm afraid that I don't know why  Ms Black" Stated the wary voice of Professor McGonagle.

Immediately after she said that an orange circle like the one that brought the Avengers there appeared and a man with a red cape flew through "Hello my name is Dr Stephen Strange I was the one to send the letters and bring you here the reason is simple there is a lot of death I decided the best way to prevent that is to watch the past and future of Estella Black all the doors are locked I will provide a bathroom now everyone sit down and relax the first 4 movies are here once you've watched them they will be replaced with the next 4 and so on"

Everyone was shocked but complied and got comfortable Estella sat close to the Golden trio but not as close as she would of in her school days. After a few moments the movie started. 


A/N:I do NOT own Harry Potter or The MCU Credits to original owners.

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