Dumbledore Delivers A Baby On A Doorstep 1

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Bold Italics- Description/action in movie

It's a cold November night in Surrey a street sign saying "Privet Drive" is shown.

Harry tenses up at the sight of that street his friends notice but don't say anything knowing he won't talk about it.

Before an owl flies away revealing Albus Dumbledore walking down the street until he notices a tabby cat with spectacle shaped markings around it's eyes.

"MIINNNNNIIIE" shouted Estella 

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that Ms Black?" Exclaimed the exasperated voice of McGonagall.

"Every time I call you that Minnie"

Just like her father thought Minnie 

He zap's the lights out before turning back to the cat. 

Dumbledore: How nice it is to see you here Professor McGonagall 

McGonagall: How did you know it was me

They walked towards No.4 and sit on a wall

Dumbledore: Never mind that have you seen Hagrid yet I suppose he was the one who told you I would be here tonight.

McGonagall: Yes it was I've been meaning to ask you about all the rumours

Many wondered what rumours could they be talking about others ( Estella, Harry, Ron and Hermione) had guessed what night this was.

McGonagall: I mean the rumours are being spread around as fast as I can run

Dumbledore: And what would be an example of these rumours 

McGonagall: Well for starters their say that Lily and James are ......a.. are dead

She looked at dumbledore expectantly as if he would shut down the gossip but he just nodded his head solemnly.

McGonagall:*sobs* And the boy!!!!!

Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing him

McGonagall: Are you sure it's wise trusting Hagrid with something as important as this

"I would trust Hagrid with my life" the Golden quartet stated in sync but no one heard when they said after "Just not my secrets" but they were still confused on how they thought the exact same thing they were even more shocked at what was said on screen next.

Dumbledore: Ah professor I would trust Hagrid with my life

McGonagall sighed : I'm not saying his heart isn't in the right place it's just OMG WHAT IS THAT

A motorcycle flying towards them with a giant man carrying a baby driving it.

Dumbledore: There's Hagrid *them motorcycle lands* Hello Hagrid

"How the flying fuck is he so calm"

"Language Mr Finnigan" 

"Sorry Professor McGonagall"

WC: 377 

A/n: Sorry it's short I needed to get a part out before I forget to

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