➤ May I have this dance?

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Aurora had gone to Valerie's house to prep for the ball.

Aurora had worn a black floor-length satin gown. It was straight and it hung loosely from her chest, it was meant to be that way. She had her hair down, but it was neatly secured with pins and clips, so it stayed the same all night. She was wearing her two necklaces plus a couple of gold rings Mia had gifted her.

She was wearing a gold bracelet that would activate into a portkey if pressed a button. Courtesy of James, of course. It was discrete so Aurora didn't mind wearing it too much. She often forgot it was anything else than a bracelet.

Valerie was wearing a similar dress but in a muted light blue and had her hair up in a neatly tied bun with some pieces of her hair adorning her face. She looked amazing.

Aurora had been having fun, Valerie's mum had given them a drink under promises that they would only drink in their house and not outside.

-"Do you always go?"- Asked Aurora watching her friend adjust her front pieces.

-"Almost every year, Notts mum invites me every year, I was Avery first friend"- Said the witch with earner her a surprise look from Aurora.

-"He comes from a long line of Slytherins and well, he was not so, I guess his mom was glad when he started to write about a friend rather at how miserable he was.

-"James was worried, saying how they were a part of the Sacred 28"- Murmured Aurora taking a sip of her drink.

-"They are not all bad, but yes, sometimes some pureblood supremacists do go to these things, but they never say anything, just look down on me"-

-"I'm sorry"- Said Aurora putting her glass to her chest.

-"Don't be, I'm not. I pity them. So much potential wasted with their elitism and closed-minded ideals"- Finished Valerie touching up her bright-red lipstick.

Aurora smiled. –"Evan will be there"-

Valerie looked at her friend from the reflection of her mirror. –"Oh...I'm counting on it"-


When the pair arrived at the party was on full speed. Aurora was grateful for that; she wasn't really on the mood to make a grand entrance. She had been in the magical world for 7 months which is hardly enough time to be accustomed to it, much less to be thrown into one of the most elite magical parties of the year.

Aurora was taken aback by Averys house. It was a manor, it was honestly something that belonged to a museum, it exuded elegance and screamed richness.

She was ogling the marble hand painted columns, unaware of a pair of icy blue eyes, fixated on her.

Regulus Black, was once again, left speechless.

She looked out of this world, her dress made her eyes even lighter, and her hair fell perfectly behind her ears.

He wanted to move, say something, hello perhaps, but his feet wouldn't move.

His heart was racing at a thousand percent.

He knew she didn't grow up like this. But she fit in. Aurora Williams looked nothing shorter than royalty.

Aurora was making pleasantries when she was stopped in her tracks by a woman.

She looked emotionless, sharp features, piercing blue eyes and dark curly hair tucked neatly in a bun.

She looked too much like someone, too much like... Sirius.

𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗢. ➤ Regulus Black, Marauders Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now