❥︎ 04 • acceptance ;

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04; acceptance

" the fuck- i thought you were enrolling in a special school, not fucking hogwarts of wizarding and witchcraft- "


"god- would you stop pacing around? go to the bathroom if you want to piss so badly." wanderer says, watching (name) go through another round of pacing through their shared apartment.

(name) stops as told, but continues to fidget with her fingers, "shut it wanderer, today's supposedly when they send the letters! how could i not pace around?" she says before she returns to her routine beforehand- pacing around the apartment until said letter arrives.

the wanderer, whom sat at the dining table eating some cereal merely scoffed. getting up and grabbing (name) by the wrist and sitting her down on the couch, going onto netflix and putting on an episode from one of the shows on (name)'s continue watching list.

"finish this season of brooklyn nine-nine, then you can continue your small marching parade." he says as he returned to his spot at the dining table. his face grimaced at the now soggy cereal bits in milk.

(name) does as told, watching the final season of her favourite show. although the show was entertaining and stuff, her mind couldn't help but wander back to the same boy from the fair, whom her childhood friend kazuha had introduced her too.

there was an inexplicable sense of recognision from the moment she saw him. she herself doesn't understand why. yet despite that feeling of deja vu did she happen to take note of the many others she had gotten.

aether- she remembered his name as clear as day after she asked kazuha for his phone number, which apparently he didn't have because he got a new phone- he always wandered in the back of her mind for some reason. she'd be doing some of her hobbies for the sole purpose of thinking of something else, but as she was making origami cranes did she get a vision of aether smiling at a paper crane with wanting in his eyes. after that, there was- a sort of guilt, disappointment albeit regret. the reason? she doesn't know, seemed pretty supernatural to her.

maybe that's why there's a strange desire to see him again and connect with him as friends, but obviously to her it was out of worry since the first time they met- why did his golden complexion suddenly dimmed the moment they were introduced to one another? did she offend him prior to their meeting-? god no, she hopes not. (name) really likes h-

and admist her own inner monolgue, the introduction to the next episode of b99 as well as disgusted gags from wanderer- did (name) hear a knock from the apartment door.

immediately does she sprint to the door, her hand going for the knob without a second thought until her hand hovers over it. 'right. it's either my brother, or the delivery man.' and she prays for the latter, (she still loves her brother though).

(name) opens the door, and yes- the latter, a mailman with an envelope in his hands is standing before her. she smiles and thanks the adult for doing his job and receives her long awaited answer.

as soon as she closes the door and bids the mailman goodbye, does she run to the indigo-haired male who was washing his dish and spoon, "wanderer! wanderer! come here, let's open it together!!" she exclaimed with stars in her eyes bouncing around in excitement.

he scoffs, "it's your letter, why do i have to be there? i'm not part of your family, call your brother or something." he says and she rolls her eyes, waiting for him to wipe his hands before grabbing him by the arm unexpectedly.

"he won't be here for the next two weeks since he's on that, whatcha-ma-call-it?" they both sit on the couch, (name) ponders for a bit until she remembers, "oh right- a life-changing expedition for creative arts so he calls it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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