Chapter 1

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RIng Ring. Ring Ring. The annoying beep of my cellphone pulled me out of the meditative trance that people call sleep. I was dreaming about today. About what might happen when I meet Ed. In my dream (which rather quickly turned into a nightmare) Kate, Aubree, and I were at the after party. We were dancing, eating the great food they had laid out for the guests, and talking to lots of important people. I decide to ditch the girls and go find Ed Sheeran. I had a whole speech planned out for when I meet him. I was going to say how much I loved his music and how huge of a fan I was and how gorgeous he is to me... etc. I walked around the room like a hound dog wolf searching for it's prey, except my prey is my Ed. I dedicated to look for Ed's red hair because everyone else in the room had brown, blond, or black hair. That's when I saw it, a 5' 7", ginger haired man, Ed Sheeran, was lying on the floor either dead or passed out. I began to scream and cry and yell for help but nobody could hear me. Suddenly everyone's hair turned red and everyone began to walk in a circle chanting something totally weird like "Monkay MooKAT!". They all began to circle into me and chant louder and louder. Right when I was about to be suffocated by their wrath for me I awoke. Where did Ed go????? This can NOT  be a good sign for today. I worried to myself.

I pick up my cell phone which is practical buzzing off my nightstand. "What?" I say. "Emma? Hey It's Aubree!" She yelled into the phone. "Hey Aubs! What's up?" "Nothing much! I was just wondering what time we're all hanging out and what I should bring over to get ready for the ED SHEERAN concert tonight?" "Oh! Let me call Kate too on a conference call and I can tell both of you. I'm in no mood to explain this twice k?" "Awesome!" As I diai Kate's number to add her to our call I think about how I have such great friends. Aubree is my twinsie! Literally! We both are blonds with blue eyes. We both have sun kissed skin and are 5' 8", but the creepiest thing is that we share the same birthday, July 17th. We were so convinced that we are long lost sister that we convinced our parents to have us tested but they came out negative. Aubree is kind, gorgeous, caring, and funny. I love her with all my heart. Kate. Oh Kate. Sweet, Innocent, beautiful Kate. We met when we were in kinder garden and were best friends since. I coulden't live without my 3rd part (2nd part is Aubree). She is the piece to my puzzle, she calms me when I get crazy and makes me laugh when I'm sad. Her hair is the color of glowing wood in a fire place, the color of fresh, damp, dirt. Her eyes are the color of spring leaves, the color of fresh grass. Little freckles tickle her face around her nose. Gorgeous as gorgeous can be inside and out. 

I dail Kate's number and add her to our call. "Hello?" She asks. "HEY! IT"S AUBREE!" Aubree yells into her phone. "And Emma!" I say. "Hey guys! So what's the plan today? What time are we coming over? What should i bring to get ready? AHH! It's ED SHEERAN DAY!" Kate screached. "OK Aubree, Kate this is the plan." I began. I continued to tell them to bring all their makeup, hair supplies, and as many clothes they can bring. I told them to head down to my house in 10 minutes so that we can spend the whole day getting ready and planning what we will say when we meet Ed Sheeran and how we will get him to marry me....sigh... if only i really could get him to marry me.... 

I look at my clock because I'm still in bed even after our 30 minute phone call and debate on which one of Ed's eyes are cuter. 6:30 am. I figured I woulden't get much sleep the night before the big day! I have ten minutes until the girls come. OK. I can do ten. Maybe. 

Thank you everyone so much if you read this! More coming soon! Constructive criticism encouraged or just tell me what you though in the comments! :* Love you bai 

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