Chapter 4

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"Shit..." I whisper "Come on! There has to be some way to work this out without it getting physical or us having to give you our tickets..."

"No.." Jess shook her head slightly, sighing at the floor sadly, "There's no other way"

"COME ON!" I scream "This is black mail! Please! There's other people with better tickets than us! Why us?!"

"Because you three are easy targets." Jess admits, "See you friends won't even come out of their stalls their so scared! Easy. Targets."

Aubree busted out of her stall with hand on her hips.

"Easy targets? Well I'm gunna give your bitchy ass 10 seconds to run and you'll see how were not the targets anymore ."

Jess stood still folding her arms over her cheerio chest.

"One," Aubree began

I looked at Jess and saw the intimidation in her eyes. Yes, Aubree is intimidating, but Kate isn't. She looks like a sad little kinder gardener getting picked on during things like this, so she stayed in her stall. I looked over and saw her feet shaking. Awe poor Kate.


Jess' eyes flickered around the room looking for her back up to no avail.

"Three, oh and give back our ticket." Aubs demanded

Jess shook her head quickly, pursing her lips until they're white.

"Please... I can't do that! Please just hear me out!!" She put her hand in the air, showing us that she wasn't going to hurt us.

"Let her explain," I tell Aubree, "But Jess, if you try anything, we'll pulverize your girly ass."

She nods understandingly. I felt bad, she seemed genuinely scared.

"I... well... OK. It all started six months ago when you guys won your tickets and everything. My friend, Christie" she nodded towards the bathroom door, "well she was listening to the radio that day trying to win your tickets. When you guys won, she was furious. She called me up, because she's like my best friend... sort of, and I'm a huge Sheerio," her big hands went up and gestured to her shirt " and well... she promised she'd take me with her to the concert... OK well you guys won, she was mad, and when she called me she had already made a plan on how to get your guys' tickets and stuff; to follow you, con you, black mail you, and jump you. At the last minute I changed my mind because I'm really not this kind of person. But when I was about to tell her, I saw her do something I never expected; she pulled a fully loaded gun out of her pocket. I told her how I felt anyway, thinking that she would never use it on her best friend, but she threatened to kill me so... now I'm here. And I'm really scared... But no matter how strong you are she will always over power you. Trust me, Christie's like a female John Ceena, and she looks like it too! But please! Just, give me the ticket and no one will get hurt! I promise!"

I looked over to Aubree who didn't look convinced, but I was. As much as I wanted to do this tonight, I didn't want it to be my fault a girl died, but anyway, they already had my ticket, and I knew that Aubree or Kate had to decide wheather they wanted to give their's to Jess.

Aubree shook her head, unconvinced and crossed her arms over chest. She was beeming confidence.

"So why didn't "Christie" come here and get the tickets her self in the first place?" Aubree inquired.

Jess looked to the floor.


"HA!" Kate burst out of her stall, fist in the air, "We got you! Now give Emma her ticket back! NOW!"

I've never seen her so scary before. I was honestly worried for my life even though I knew I shouldne't be.

"I.. I... she didn't come in because she not scary ok! She's 4' 9", and looks like she's 12! There is no gun! And she won't hurt me! Please! Just let me go and take you ticket!" Jess dashed out of there, throwing the ticket in the air, quicker than you could say "run!" I jumped up to get my ticket and was relieved it was the real one! So thank full for my little fighters I ran over and hugged Aubree and Kate.

"We scared the crap out of her! That was fun!" Kate squealed.

"Yeah! We should do that again!" Aubree enthused.

"How about... not! Let's go get to our seats before someone steals them again.

We hurry down the thick halls of the stadium, like a river od fast flowing orange water. There we're so many sheerios, my heart hurts. I also knew that no matter how nice they seem, anyone would kill, to get the opportunities that we were awarded with. After about 10 minutes of searching for the entrance to out seats, we come across a set of two extermly large doors, with a sign above them saying "Seating levels A-C" in big important letters.

I grabbed Aubree's, and Kate's hands, squeezing them hard. I can't believe this is happening. My life, is now, complete. I love these girls, I love my life, and I really really love Ed. I have practiced bein calm for when I meet him, becuase I know how unatractive it is to be a fan girl. I will say "Hi Ed, my name is Emma. I'm a huge fan of your work." and then batt my eyelashes, flash a cute girlish smile and flick my hair off my sholder. Then Ed will say, in his adorable accent "Very nice to meet you Emma. You are quite lovely. I could do without a tan on my land hand where my forth finger meets my knuckle, if it were for you." then he would put my face into his hand and pull me close and kiss me. Then I'd throw my arm od his sholder and Ed would wrap a tatooed arm under my legs and lift me off my feet wedding style, carrying me out of the building into his car, where we will drive to the airport so we can fly to hawaii, and get married on the beach at sunset.

But enough dreaming. It's time for the opening act to play. I don't really know who they are so we left Kate to watch our seats while Aubree and I went to go get some food. The lines we so long we waited for an twenty minutes, when suddenly the girls in the front of the line start screaming. We lean over to see what's happening, but the only thing is an empty concession stand. The rest of the line walked off to find one that's actually populated with workers but we stayed hoping that someone would come soon. The girls in front of us were still shrieking and dangerously leaning over the counter, yelling non comprehendible words. we were about to leave when they did before us, jittery but disappointed. What the hell was back there? We walked up to the stand and looked around, it was a ghost town. Aubree was even a bit scared.

"Hello?" I call

"Is anyone there?" Aubree follows

Slowly, from behind the counter a ginger head perked up, wide eyed. Holy shit. Oh my god. Wow. Fuck. It was Ed. I stood awestruck, like a deer in the headlights but tried to wipe it off quickly so he wouldn't think we'd attack him like those other girls and maybe we could talk to him.

"Are they gone?" He asks. Aubree and I both smile warmly

"Yeah," I say, "They're gone."

"Phew," he stood up and fixed his hair "I just wanted to come out and meet a few fans before the concert but I guess that was a bad idea." He sighs and takes off this apron, and another girl sees and screams attracting a crowd

"No, well maybe but now you need to get out of here." I tell him. I tell ed sheeran. I give advice to ed sheeran. Wtf wow.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea," he begins to turn away into the back room when he looks me dead in the eye "what's your name?" My name name? Why would he want to know my name I'm just some fan. Omf he asked my name "if your going to tell me do it quick before those girls-"

"Emma. Im Emma." And I smile. He beams back at me radiating sexiness. "I'll see you later Emma I'm sure of it."

"I think you will too, now go! They will kills you." I think about the after party and he dashes away while Aubree is just staring at me her jaw on we chest. "He wanted to know your name and OMG Emma this is amazing. He was into you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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