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Julia Kim watched the transceiver intently, waiting for the crackle, followed by some news — any news, really.

They just wanted to know if the others were alive.

"Mia, he's fine, babe. Dom's alright."

The pregnant woman rushed towards the radio upon hearing her boyfriend, immediately demanding to speak to her brother.

"Dom? Are you okay? Hm?"

"I'm okay, Mia. Don't worry about me."

The brunette burst into tears once again upon hearing her brother, relieved to know he was alive despite his antics.

"Just wait till you come back!" She threatened, her voice cracking. "I can't believe you did that, Dom!"

As Mia spoke to Dom over the radio, Julia grinned as she watched the others drive into the building, walking over to greet them.

"We did it! Yeah!" Julia exclaimed, jumping around with Santos as the two celebrated their win.

"Couldn't have done it without you, chica." Santos smiled, hugging the younger. "You did well."

Roman walked in along with Tej, his brows furrowed as he saw the brunette. "Don't think y'all are off the hook, yeah?" He stated, playfully glaring at her.

"We literally just stole our retirement plan. Stop thinking about that!"

"You are like my baby, Jules. I need to make sure you aren't just kissing anyone."

Han scoffed, offended by his words. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, waiting for an answer.

"I just wanna know how y'all happened, that's all," Roman explained, raising his hands in surrender. "Like, how do y'all find love amidst a heist? Huh, Julia?"

Julia rolled her eyes, annoyed by the playful teasing of the older man. She shook her head, just waving it off.

"Fuck off, man," Han muttered, nudging the male away. "Don't trouble her."

"Ah, the protectiveness. I remember when I was young. The passion, the romance, the–"

Tej did everyone a favor, cutting Roman off as he dragged the man away from the others, getting grateful looks in return for the intervention.

God bless Roman Pearce and his nonstop motormouth.

As everyone dispersed throughout the building, finding places to wait while Tej did his thing, Han watched as Julia observed him, wondering what she was thinking.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her voice quiet. "You aren't hurt, right?" She checked.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm alright," he answered. "Thank you for being concerned, though." He smiled, not used to being cared for like this.

Well, it wasn't like Dom and the others never checked on him, but somehow with Julia, things were always different — in a really good way.

"Guys!" Brian called, beckoning the younger two over. "It's time!"

Julia Kim and Han Lue walked towards the others, standing at the back as Tej did his work in front of the vault they had just stolen from Reyes.

This was their all-or-nothing moment; the moment that would determine if everything they did was worth it.

Everyone held their breath as Tej cracked the code, watching patiently as he placed the copy of the handprint they had acquired earlier.

"Jules, would you—" Han's words fizzled out as the female cut him off, hushing him as she never took her eyes off the vault.

"Shush! This is a moment for the history books!"

The brunet only smiled to himself, ignoring the flutter he felt in his chest as he watched the woman standing beside him.

He shouldn't really be feeling this. Even when there was a vault containing probably millions of dollars in front of him, Han Lue only had eyes for Julia.

But obviously Han wouldn't know that Julia looked at him the exact same way when he wasn't looking — they were down bad for each other.

"Come on, baby." Tej sighed deeply, placing his hand over the print. "Don't be mean."


Han watched as Julia clung onto his arm, unintentionally gripping him in anticipation as they waited for Tej to fully open the vault.

The door of the vault opened, revealing what seemed like millions in cash. The printed yellow papers had never looked more beautiful to the team as they watched the money fall out of the vault and onto the floor.

"Fucking hell!" Julia quietly exclaimed, hands covering her mouth. "Shit, we are rich."

"Yeah, we are." Han nodded in agreement. "Me more than you, though."

"Wait, what? Why are you getting paid more than me?"

"Because you owe me a million dollars, princess. With interest. You forgot that?"

Julia frowned, unimpressed by the man's words. "Now, why'd you have to ruin this beautiful moment with your words?" She asked, huffing as she shook her head.

"Had to remind you." Han shrugged nonchalantly. "Unless you don't wanna pay me back?"

"What's the catch, though?"

"Ride with me?"

Han Lue was nervous, unsure about his words since it was his first time asking out someone like this.

Julia Kim made him feel so many things, and as much as he yearned for it, he was scared too because all this was new to him.

"We could travel the world or something," he added quickly. "If you tagged along, you could consider your debt paid. That's what I wanted to say."

Han opened his mouth, readying another set of phrases to spew as a contingency.

He didn't want to scare her off. Even the thought of her not being near terrified him. It was crazy, even for him, to see how much she affected him despite their short time together.

"Are you asking me out?" Julia asked, raising her brows in question. "Because if you are, I'd say yes."

The brunet nodded — a little too quickly — excited to get a positive response.

"Then I am very much asking you out," Han clarified, fighting back a grin. "So, what do you say?"

Julia placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, smiling as she pulled away. "I'd love to travel the world with you, Han," she replied, linking her arm with his.


"Yeah, whatever it takes to make sure I don't have to give you a million."

The two laughed amongst themselves, turning their gazes towards the vault as they watched the money with smiles on their faces.

Who knew it'd take a money heist for them to find each other?

"So?" Julia paused, unable to control her smile as Han intertwined their hands. "Where do you wanna go first?"

Han Lue thought over her words, realizing he didn't have a place in mind; he just wanted Julia to be with him.

"I don't really know. Anywhere is fine, honestly. As long as you are with me."

a/n: *screams* we are done with fast five, lovelies! *screaming intensifies* sgdjnh i am so excited i can't wait to put out the epilogue and then start the next book!

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