what's going on?!?

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(A/N yes this is at the beginning anyway I thought you guys might wanted to know what asher looked like I used a base for him it was by eddsworld-Bases on deviantart anyway enjoy the story)
Tom pov

I looked at little asher as he ate the food Jon leaned on the table looking at asher worried"is he gonna be ok tom?"I nodded smiling "yeah he should be ok in a week "I picked up little asher and looked at jon's face"where did the black eye come from jon?" Little asher growled "baba"Jon went pale a little"w-well eduardo came by and um..."he looked away"he wasn't so happy I'm here or that asher turned into a baby "I looked at him and texted tord to 'talk' to eduardo later about being an ass "don't worry Jon he eduardo won't do it again he really needs to work on his anger problem"asher nodded giggling Jon smiled"thanks"he smiled"no problem"tord ran down stairs"hey Jon drink this I wanna see something" Jon did what he was told and poof he was a baby too"TORD THE HELL?!?"I yelled Jon and asher started crying tord picked up jon"this was supposed to happen I needed to recreate the drink so I can reverse it don't worry"I looked at him pissed"well now we have two babies" tord held baby Jon close"don't worry I'll fix both of them in about a day or two "little asher reached for jon tord smiled and stepped closer so Jon and asher were closer asher giggled and hugged little Jon smiling trying to calm him down tord gave me Jon "I'm gonna talk to Eduardo real quick and see if Mark can watch both of them later I'm gonna need you edd and Matt to help with the antidote" I sigh"ok but tell Mark he better not let eduardo hurt them or else"he nodded waving"got it"he headed to the next door neighbors
I took Jon and asher up stairs to change their clothes "don't worry you two we'll fix you up soon promise"I can't believe tord did this with out asking first"I mumbled out Jon held onto my hand smiling asher giggled more"awww you two are so adorable~"I hugged both of them closely
Mark pov
I looked at baby asher and jon"tom don't worry I'll take good care of them"tom looked at them worried"ok they need to have a nap in about 20 minutes the bag I gave you have extra clothes and food for them and if asher gets fussy his stuff animal Smores is in the bag and if you need me call me"tom kissed jon and asher foreheads "don't worry you two I'll be back tomorrow so behave for big bro mark"asher giggled and nodded Jon reached for tom"aww don't worry I'll call later tonight to talk"tom left saying one more good bye I sat asher and Jon down gently "ok you two I'm gonna get some food" asher giggled hugging Jon close Eduardo looked at them"I can't believe you agree to watch these two"I looked through the bag"look asher is your brother and Jon is our friend so of course I'm gonna watch them" eduardo sat down next to asher "hey remember me Hermano?"he asked asher giggled and reach out towards him"baba baba"Eduardo smiled a little and looked at jon"look pal"he sighed"I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't have punched ya it wasn't your fault"Jon hugged him giggling " 'ts ok uardo"he mumbled out I walked over and started feeding Jon eduardo helped by feeding asher "so did tom tell you how long this should last??"I laid Jon down "about a day or two"I answered little asher crawled over to Jon and laid next to him yawning his tail went over jon eduardo pull a blanket over them "night brats"
2 days later
Tord pov
I looked over Jon and asher as tom got them to drink the antidote "you think they'll remember anything??"edd asked "yes they will most likely"after a minute or two asher and Jon turned back to normal we got them clothes "tord please never do that again"Jon groaned out I nodded"sorry bout that Jon"asher patted Jon head"at lease we didn't turn into cats again"Jon looked at him"again?!? That happened before"asher nodded"yep I was stuck like that for a week or so" Jon stood up"I'm going home see you guys later"he waved at us and hugged me and Tom mumbling a thanks for taking care of him asher leaned on edd smiling "so edd Matt wanna head out?"Tom crossed his arms"asher really?"I put my arm around tom asher looked at us "what I wanna hang out edd and Matt dads"he smiled tom sighed"fine but you three better be home by 10" edd nodded smiling"we will tom don't worry"the three of them left"do you think those three will start dating each other?"I asked tom shrugged smiling and kissed me gently I kissed back deeply and pulled away"no sex today tord sorry but im still mad about the whole turning Jon and asher into babies"I whimpered"but tom~" he walked away"sorry but no" I sighed "ok I'll fix this"I looked at my files "maybe if I went neko again"I mumbled looking over everything until asher called me "hey tord you know that neko thing you made"he asked I smiled"yeah why do you ask?" He giggled"awesome I need some don't ask questions"I smirked perfect now I can make it look like a accident"sure but me and you need to make it look like a lab accident so the others won't be curious"

To be continued

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