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Dunk Pov

It feels like my heart has stopped beating and  breaking into pieces...

"P'Dunk", the voice of the girl in front of me trembled

"SNAKE... YOU SNAKE!!!", Arm cursed Jab who was sitting in silence.

"You know....you're doing a very disgusting, two-faced thing, if I compare you to a dog I don't think the dog is even willing to be compared to you!!!"

"Arm", I scolded

"Let me get it all out Dunk, these two ignorant people deserve it, don't you have any shame, this condo belongs to Dunk, even since the beginning of your career Dunk has played an important role, how dare you do this disgusting thing?"


"You, Dunk do the hard work, to make your ends meet, to take care of you how dare you flirt with his best friend, are you that cheap?"


It's not me but Jab who raises his voice

"What? You want to hit me? Please, do you think you're better? You and this woman are no different, we've been friends for a dozen years but you dare to stab your own best friend in the back, you know you're nastier than trash."

"Arm, please that's enough", I held Arm's arm.

"Dunk...I'm sorry...", Jab tried to apologize but Arm immediately blocked him.

"Pack your things and leave this place," I said.

"P'Dunk.... forgive Mint naa, forgive Mint if phi kicked me out like this where would I live? Mint loves P'Dunk so much naa"

"Huh", Arm snorted


"Mint...if you really love me...why do you have to lie?"

"If you love me why do you have to pretend to be happy?"

"If you love me why do you have to cheat on my friend?"

"Pack your things and get out of here", I said.


"Dunk this is my fault, don't hate Mint, this is my fault"

"GO AWAY!", I snapped at both of them in frustration.

And finally I could only stare blankly watching the girl I loved put her things into the suitcase then watching her shoulder being hugged by another man who was my best friend, out of the room....


"Are you sure...are you okay?"


The next day after crying all night, Arm, who had accompanied me since last night, had to leave because he had urgent work to do.

"Should I cancel the job?"

"Hey no, you go work"

"Umm...but promise not to do anything weird, or try to hurt yourself, remember the world is wide."

"Yes, I know you go, you'll get scolded."



After Arm was completely gone I sat down on a chair and took out my mobile phone...

Mint ❤️ : P'Dunk.... forgive Mint naa, please don't break up with Mint, Mint really still loves P'Dunk

Mint ❤️ : P'Dunk....please

There were about a dozen messages from Mint, but I chose not to read them, I immediately pressed the block icon then put my phone in my pocket.

Honestly, I'm not a person who not forgives other people's mistakes easily, I always forgive everyone except for one thing which is betrayal...

I can never forgive someone who betrays me...


In the few days I stayed at home, Arm often came to visit me to encourage me, I think he is the only person I can trust.

In recent days Mint has been coming to visit me but I never open the door for him, and it actually makes me feel more stressed...

Therefore...I decided....

"Arm...I think I'll go on vacation for a while," I said to Arm.


"If I stay here I will never be able to forget my memories, I will go and travel"


"Don't worry, I'll leave for a while and come back when my heart is better."

"Go with me."



"Arm...I want to go alone naa, after all don't you have a lot of work, you have to work"

"I'll cancel it"

"Arm I promise I will take care of myself, I won't do anything stupid"



"Fine, it's up to you but you promised you'd come back."

"khruub... you are indeed my best friend"

"Don't say that, it makes me sick"

After that, I immediately packed up and prepared to leave....

To Be Continued

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