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Dunk Pov

"So where are we going?" I asked.


"You're quiet again"


Never mind that I gave up on where he wanted to take me, this guy really pissed me off.

"We're here"

One word from him brought me out of my reverie

I immediately looked at the place he was referring to

"Swimming pool?"


"So you were quiet for almost two hours, making me feel like wringing your neck just to get me to the pool?", I asked.

"Tutor said, when making a surprise, we should not tell the person who is being surprised"

I looked around me

"Then where's the surprise?"

"This is the place"

"Do you want me to strangle you?, you shouldn't ask such trivial things to a boy who is not old enough, surprise?, you call this a surprise?, huh I thought there would be something wow here, such as decorations in the form of colorful balloons, a pond sprinkled with roses, but it turns out that there is just an ordinary place with an ordinary appearance, khun have you never dated or surprised anyone before?"

"This is a public place, we can't do that"

"Then why brought me here?"

"because...this is the first place we met"


"I'm sorry if our first date wasn't as good as you imagined, I've never dated anyone before, my parents used to tell me to go on a blind date, but I always made excuses. I brought you to this place because this place is where we first met after facing a terrible death"


"I'm sorry"

Damn...he's so romantic......heiii Dunk!!! Control yourself!!!

You're not Fourth!!

"You should take me where Gemini met Fourth for the first time, not where we met for the first time....this is a date between Gemini and Fourth, not between you and me."

I turned my face away from him before walking ahead.



"So what are we going to do in this pool? Are you going to ask me to drown together?", I teased.

"Gun says kissing underwater is fun"


K-Kiss under water?

"Dunk....do you think it will better if we...."

"You!!!, Don't ever say something like that!!, It's a public place, we shouldn't do something like that!!! 😦"

How could he say that without feeling the slightest embarrassment?

"I wanted to take you to lunch with me outside instead of here, so we wouldn't trash the place."



"Oh...yes lunch, just lunch"

"Let's go"

I'm going crazy 🤦🏻‍♂️

To Be Continued

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