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Dunk Pov

"Are you sure you want to go home first?", P'Peat asked me.

"Khrub," Gemini (Joong) replied.

"Alright then be careful on the road, and N'Fourth....next time you want to go somewhere you ask permission from N'Gemini first...when he comes phi thinks he's going to punch phi in the face."

"Why do I have to ask his permission?", I asked.

Instead of answering P'Peat smiled

"Then we'll go first, Phi," Gemini said.



"Now we have to think of a way back," I said.



"Don't you like living like this?", Joong asked me.

"It's not that I don't like it, didn't I tell you before, my life is too complicated to be lived by someone who has a perfect life like Fourth"

"So what did you do when you got back?" he asked.

"moving on with my life, I'm going to find a job and a new place to live, then ....... try to talk to my mom..I want to start a new life, even though I already told you .... why you're so forgetful"

"Then you are very lucky"


"I can't do anything, I have to be perfect, I have to keep my face all the time," he said.

"What if you don't take care of it?", I asked.


"You don't have to guard it...everyone has a weak side, if you keep defending yourself like that..you can lose the most precious thing in your life....but that doesn't mean you become so easy, you have to be easy and a little firm, I think that would be very good", I explained.

"You speak as if you are a psychology expert"

"I'm cool, right?"

"I withdraw my words"

"damn you"

"But seriously...I want to ask....do you really want to come back? Forget about Fourth, answer me honestly."

"Of course I don't want....Fourth life..... I want it so much"

"Don't you want to try to be selfish?" Joong asked.

"Why should I be selfish?"

"I mean...."

"I understand....I also want to be selfish, but not the kind of selfishness that makes others suffer....I don't know what brought me into Fourth's life....what kind of bond do I have that I'm connected to him? But whatever it is, I will always be grateful to fate for giving me a little chance to live a normal life, to have the love of my parents, my friends....and I'm glad to know you even though I've never seen you."

"Dunk....I think the reason Fourth and Gemini swapped with us wasn't just because of us, but also because of themselves."

"What do you mean?"

"You told me that Fourth likes Gemini, right?" Joong asked.

I nodded

"Everyone says that and I found the Fourth Diary too"

"and Gemini also likes the Fourth"

"So?", I asked.

"Then what if our mission is actually to get these two people together?", Joong asked.

"khun, did you forget we are not Gemini and Fourth"

"Even if we are together....it won't have any influence on Gemini and Fourth."

"I'm saying we just need to try, if it works we'll be lucky and if it fails, we can find another way"


"Let's try it first"

"Hmm...okay, so what are we going to do?", I asked.



"Yes.... You and me, let's try dating"


"that's the solution, if you don't want to.... means there will be no solution"

"ahh... well it's up to you"

"we tried dating for 3 months"

"1 month"

"Why only 1 month?", he asked.

"I want to go back as soon as possible"

"But it could be...the longer we date the better"

"wahh....khun Joong, I just realized that you are pretty great, when I needed your opinion you didn't help me, and now you even look enthusiastic, do you like me?"

"umm...I like you"

"Crazy, you've teased me enough"

"I'm serious"


"very happy, dating you"

Huttfff why do I feel like this person is fooling me now?

"Dunk.... By the way...."


"Do you believe in the word Love?"


To Be Continued

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