Chapter 16

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Adonis trekked through the woods, breathing heavily. He was sweating and tired but he continued onwards, wanting to prove to Penny that he loved her and will do anything for her. A raven cawed somewhere on a tree branch and he jumped. Then continued walking.

The Arien Lily was a very rare lily that appeared only to the bravest man. And the bravest man must have the truest soul when it comes to love. Adonis scoffed at the idea of love. He thought it was pointless. His parents never showed that they loved each other. They just talked about what vampires they killed and how they killed them.

Adonis pushed a branch out of his way, snapping it in half in the process, and pushed through hanging ivy. He heard snarling on the other side and came face to face with a vampire. Adonis smiled uncomfortably.

"Shit." He muttered.

The vampire threw him into a tree and Adonis winced as he slid down. He looked up and saw a lily, the colour of gold. It was shimmering white light and the centre was white. Adonis looked at it with his mouth dropped open. The vampire ran to one side of Adonis and Adonis shook himself out of the trance.

The vampire grabbed his arm and Adonis kicked it in the gut. The vampire hissed and jumped backwards. It jumped really high and Adonis rolled out of the eye. The vampire landed where Adonis was and rolled. It got into a lunge and looked up at Adonis with a sneer.

"Useless human. Only the truest love can defeat me!" It said, it's voice echoing with energy.

Adonis scoffed. "Then I guess it's a great way to prove I love Penny." He said grabbed a stick.

The vampire lunged at Adonis and Adonis stabbed the vampire in the eye. The hissed and screamed and Adonis kicked it in the head. He took the stick out of its eye and stabbed it in the chest, eventually killing it. A beam of light came out of the hole that Adonis made and the vampire burst into little balls of light. Adonis got up, breathing heavily. He walked to the Arien Lily and pulled it gently out of the ground. Light filtered into little clearing and Adonis smiled.

"This will definitely show Penny that I love her."

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