chapter 10

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The next day, Quackity woke up with a new sense of determination. After his late-night chat with Karl, he felt like he had a plan. He grabbed his phone and took a deep breath, summoning the courage to call Wilbur.

"Hey, Wilbur? It's Quackity. Um, could we meet up today? There's something I really want to talk to you about."

Wilbur's voice on the other end sounded warm and friendly. "Hey, Quackity! Of course, I'd love to meet up. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I just thought it would be cool to meet at that cafe we went to before. You know, the one with the really good coffee?"

"Sounds good to me! What time works for you?"

"Maybe around 3 PM? Does that work for you?"

"Perfect! See you at 3."

Quackity hung up the phone, his heart racing. Today was the day he was finally going to talk to Wilbur about his feelings, about the almost-kiss, and everything that had been going through his mind. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

As he got ready and headed to the cafe, Quackity's nerves were all over the place. He ordered his usual coffee and sat at a corner table, glancing at the clock every few minutes. Finally, at 3 PM sharp, Wilbur walked in, wearing that casual smile that always made Quackity's heart skip a beat.

"Hey, Quackity!" Wilbur greeted him, sliding into the chair across from him.

"Hey, Wilbur," Quackity replied, trying to sound confident. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem at all. So, what did you want to talk about?"

Quackity took a deep breath, his hands slightly trembling. "Well, you know, yesterday was really amazing, right? The theme park, the Ferris wheel, everything."

Wilbur nodded, his eyes locked onto Quackity's. "Yeah, it was a blast. I had a great time."

"I did too. And, um, something happened on the Ferris wheel that's been on my mind since. It's like... we were so close to... kissing."

Wilbur's eyebrows shot up, but he didn't look surprised. "I've been thinking about it too, Quackity. I guess we were."

Quackity felt his cheeks flush, but he pushed on. "Yeah, and I've been trying to figure out what that means. What we mean to each other. And I realized that I really like you, Wilbur. More than just a friend. And I wanted to know if you feel the same way."

Wilbur's smile softened, and his gaze held a mix of emotions. "Quackity, I'm glad you brought this up. I've been feeling the same way. I really like you too, more than just a friend."

Quackity's heart soared, and he couldn't help but grin. "Really?"

"Really. I've never connected with someone like I have with you. The conversations we've had, the fun we've had... it's all been incredible."

As their eyes met, it was like everything made sense. The tension, the almost-kiss, the feelings they had been wrestling with - it was all out in the open now. And in that moment, they knew that whatever they were embarking on, it was going to be an adventure worth taking.

"So, what do we do now?" Quackity asked, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice.

Wilbur reached across the table, his hand finding Quackity's. "I say we take it one step at a time, just like we've been doing. We've got something special here, and I'm excited to see where it leads."

Quackity smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through him. "Yeah, you're right. Let's not rush things. Let's take it slow and just enjoy getting to know each other better."

Wilbur squeezed Quackity's hand, his eyes filled with understanding. "Agreed. No need to rush into anything official. We'll let things unfold naturally and see where our journey takes us."

But as they gazed at each other, Wilbur's eyes held a different kind of intensity. He leaned in slightly, his gaze focused on Quackity's lips. "Actually, Quackity, there's something I've been wanting to ask you..."

Before Wilbur could finish his sentence, Quackity didn't hesitate. He leaned in too, closing the gap between them and pressing his lips to Wilbur's. It was a sweet, tender kiss that spoke volumes without needing any words.

When they finally pulled away, Wilbur looked a little surprised, but his lips curved into a satisfied smile. "I was going to ask if I could kiss you, but it seems like you beat me to it."

Quackity grinned, feeling a rush of boldness. "I guess I couldn't wait any longer."

Wilbur's laughter rang out, warm and genuine. "Well, I'm definitely not complaining."

Sharing a moment of silent understanding, Quackity felt the weight lift off his shoulders. They were on the same wavelength - ready to explore this new territory without putting a label on it. As they left the cafe, both of them were stoked for what lay ahead, ready to dive into the unknown with open hearts.

835 words

so they finally kissed :D anyways I hope that its good I have no idea how to write a kiss scene... Have a good day/night!

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