chapter 14

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The next day, Wilbur woke up with a renewed determination. The events of the previous night had left him feeling both elated and slightly overwhelmed. As he went about his morning routine, a sudden realization hit him - he had a concert coming up in a few days. What if he used this opportunity to make something special happen with Quackity?

The thought took root in his mind, growing with each passing minute. A concert was more than just a performance; it was a chance for him to share his music and his heart with his fans. And what better way to share his feelings with Quackity than in front of a crowd that celebrated his music?

Wilbur could already imagine the scene - the lights dimming, the crowd hushing in anticipation, and him stepping up to the microphone. And then, with a guitar in his hands, he would confess his feelings for Quackity to the world, making it a moment they would both remember forever.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that this was the perfect way to surprise Quackity and express his love. It would be a declaration that wasn't just private but one that they could share with everyone around them. The concert was a platform for him to open up in a way that felt authentic and genuine.

As he rehearsed his songs for the upcoming concert, Wilbur's excitement grew. He couldn't wait to see the look on Quackity's face when he took the stage and bared his heart to the world. It was a risk, a leap of faith, but it felt like the right thing to do.

With a smile on his face, Wilbur made a mental note to finalize the details and plan out his surprise. He knew it was going to take some careful coordination, but he was willing to put in the effort to make it a moment that Quackity would cherish.

As he strummed his guitar, the melody of a new song forming in his mind, Wilbur couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. The concert was more than just a performance now - it was a chance for him to take a leap of faith and share his love with the person who had captured his heart.


Wilbur's fingers hovered over his phone's keyboard as he drafted a text to Quackity. He wanted to invite him to the upcoming concert, to surprise him with his heartfelt confession. But as he typed out the message, a sudden wave of doubt washed over him. What if he was moving too fast? What if this grand gesture wasn't the right move for their budding relationship?

He paused, his thumb hovering over the send button. The excitement he had felt earlier began to mix with uncertainty, and he found himself reevaluating his plan. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, letting his emotions drive him without considering Quackity's feelings.

Wilbur's mind raced through different scenarios, each one raising new doubts. He knew he cared deeply for Quackity, but what if his feelings weren't reciprocated to the same extent? He didn't want to push Quackity into something he wasn't ready for or make him uncomfortable.

With a sigh, Wilbur decided to put the phone down and give himself more time to think. He was still in the process of figuring things out, and he didn't want to rush into something that might not be right.

As he placed the phone on his desk, he accidentally brushed against the send button. To his surprise, the message he had been drafting was suddenly on its way to Quackity. Panic surged through him as he watched the message send, unable to stop it in time.

"Oh no," Wilbur muttered to himself, his heart sinking. He had sent the message before he had a chance to reconsider. He realized that he had let his doubts get the best of him, and now there was no turning back.

He hoped that Quackity would understand his intentions, that he wasn't trying to rush things or put pressure on him. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just made a big mistake.

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