Chapter 7- Memories

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Shota shuffled into the into his apartments living room, he opened the curtains to his balcony. Carrying out his steaming morning coffee, Shota seats himself on his chair sipping at the mug before placing it on the accompanying table. Staring out over the railing he views the urban plateau. The roofs of smaller buildings embellished with metal pipes and ventilation are dwarfed by the imposing apartments and malls that sprout up from the city. Though despite their height and beautiful facade, they feel inadequate to the Institute that is center stage of his view, UA. Its grandeur seems to be unparalleled by anything else, any passerby would marvel at its towering and impending aura, becoming a sight viewed by tourists visiting from across the globe. But to Aizawa the school isn't all that impressive to him, those 3 years of his schooling and then his profession as a teacher has made him indifferent to the majesty of it all. Though he won't deny that on his early days at the school he too was immensely amazed and intimidated by the building.

When he was younger, he was a very closed off to all the people around him, a result of his childhood. He was the textbook example of an insecure emo teen, most would say he still is one, but there is that one difference that warms his heart. He made friends, Hizashi Yamada and Oboro Shirakumo, he opened up to two of them somehow. Many one-sided conversations had happened before Shota even formed a sentence to the duo that wasn't along the lines of " go away" or "bother someone else". Eventually a mutual bond formed between the three of them by the end of their first year, with Hizashi being the loudmouth, Aizawa as the cynical presence and Oboro as the calm mediator between the two. Sometime during their second year Nemuri Kayama became an unofficial member of the group, when she stumbled on their occasional lunch on the roof. The wave of nostalgia rushed through Aizawa as memories of the good times formed in his head. Pulling the mug to his lips, Aizawa focused on a specific memory from their second year.


Aizawa was seated at one of the many benches in the U.A. cafeteria, slurping noodles into his mouth. Across from him was loudmouth Hizashi who was for once quiet, due to the amount of food stuffed in his face. 

* Clank! *

 A tray carrying katsudon is placed on the table, followed by Oboro who seats himself next to Aizawa.

"Must you slam your food like that." Aizawa commented.

"Of course, he does Shota. One of the parts of being a hero is PRESENTATION!" Stated Hizashi, using his quirk to amplify his voice as he posed heroically. Heads snapped towards their table glaring at him, he sunk back into his seat.

"Alright Mike we get the picture but calm it a bit ok. I'm just a little stressed over that test coming up." Oboro said.

"What are you worried about Oboro. Your grades are solid, they're higher than mine." Hizashi says back. "Right Shota"

Both teens turn to the boy expectantly.

"What Mike said. Your grades are fine, just study and it won't be bad. So why are you worried about it?" 

Oboro says " I dunno I've just got a lot on my mind right now."

"Like Kayama." Hizashi says.

Oboro's cheeks flush as he denies the claim. Hizashi looks at Aizawa with a look that Aizawa returns.

After failing to get Oboro to admit what the other boys knew was true, they conceded and returned to the subject of the upcoming test. Their conversation carried on as they consumed their meals, their own bubble of peace. That was the case until someone popped their bubble with a...

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