Chapter 16- Drastic times, Drastic measures

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The students of UA huddled in small groups in the school's courtyard, staring at their phones that displayed the utter carnage that was I-island. Leaves rustling against one another stood out against the jarring silence of the students who were at a loss for words at the video. Thick clou ds of black and indigo begin amassing in the courtyard capturing the attention of the pupils. The swirling fog began to spit out figures, wearing their infamous villain attire. The students fell into fighting stances as some ran back inside the institute out of safety, blaring sirens go off.

The former villains tensed up as they looked up at the UA building. "Izuku, why did you bring us to UA? We ain't exactly welcome here." Shigaraki shuddered as he remembers how Snipe shot bullets through his skin. "Or anywhere for that matter."

Izuku remained calm maintaining a straight face though it was hidden beneath his mask. "Just hold on let me handle this and follow my lead." He told the group before addressing the crowd of teens. "We mean no harm, we only wish to speak with your principal. See no harm."

He dropped to his knees positioning his hands on the back of his head, seeing the confused looks on the leagues faces motioned for them to copy him. With their faces still dazed in skepticism followed suit to the bewilderment of the students.

Shigaraki leaned over to Izuku's ear, whispering "Izuku if I get shot again, I swear to god I will..."

"You won't if we need to get out Kurogiri can just warp us out. But we just got to see where this goes, which I hope won't lead to that but we're find out." 

Looking forward the league watches as Eraserhead, Vlad king, Ms Joke and Snipe , whose hand was stretched out towards them pointing a gun, trod down the steps of the institute. Eraserhead's eyes glowed crimson as he watched the surrendered group reading their expressions for what they were thinking.

"All students return to your dorms immediately." Barked Vlad King, causing the remaining teens to head inside.

"Well what are six of Japan's most wanted villains and vigilante want to speak with me for?" Asked a voice coming from Aizawa's capture scarf.

Twice asked whipping his head around wildly. "Who said that?"

"Am I a mouse, a dog or a bear? All that matters to you is that I am the principal."  A small mouse like creature popped up from the scarf spilling some tea from a cup it held in its hands? paws?

"EEEEE! He is so cute." Squealed Toga.

"Thank you." Nezu said with a bow.

Wiping some of the spilt tea from his face Eraserhead turned to the principal. "Why must you constantly use my weapon as a blanket. And if you must do not bring your tea." he groaned.

"Oh come on Shota you two look so adorable." Ms Joke said.

"Please do not encourage him."

clearing his throat to gain their attention Izuku asked. "May we please focus on the matter?"

"We will as soon as we learn what that matter is."

"Well I wish for in light of the recent attack on I-island for our groups to collaborate on a defense against this new group." Purotekuta stated from his knelt position.

"We shall continue this in the conference room." Said the principal who sipped his tea. "I shall hear what it is that you wish to say, but I shall have you know that if there is anything to suggest you have ulterior motives, then I shall not hesitate to do what is necessary to protect my students. Is that clear?"

Nodding, the fugitives rose to their feet. Vlad king and snipe moved towards them unbuckling some cuffs.

"Quirk nullifying hand cuffs, courtesy of a student in our support department." Nezu informed. Looking at eachother for clarification the group complied, offering their wrist to the hero's.

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