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Sorry for doing 4 chapters of the same day,but I really need to do that. Thanks for understanding <3


Joshua returned with some medicine, and Jeonghan sighed in relief.

"Show me where it hurts." Joshua said, directing the older boy to point at his knee.

"Pull up your pants, please. I can't help if you don't."Joshua instructed.

Following his instructions, Jeonghan pulled up his pants to expose the injured knee.

Joshua began to apply some creams, trying his best but clearly not very skilled in the art of medicine. When he had gone to the pharmacy earlier, he had asked the pharmacist for guidance because he didn't know much about it.

"How much did it cost?" Jeonghan inquired.

"It's not much. Don't worry." Joshua reassured him with a cute smile.

After he was done, they both got up.

"We should go home now. I think Dad is sleeping."Joshua suggested.

"Sure." Jeonghan said relieved that his fear will fade away.

"But before..." Joshua paused. "Let's take a photo. We can have memories of this iconic night!"

"That's a cute idea. Let's do it."

Joshua retrieved his phone from his pocket, and they posed for the picture. He counted down "3...2...1...... Cheese!" and snapped a photo.

"How sweet. Now let's go!" Jeonghan patted the younger boy's back.

As they left the park, they couldn't help but feel a bond forming between them, a connection that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.


The next morning, Jeonghan went to his coffee shop before Joshua even woke up. Joshua had an important photoshoot at 4 pm, and he had to help his work colleagues with things at 2 pm.

When Joshua finally woke up, he decided to visit Seungcheol's place, feeling like he had missed his friend.

Seungcheol opened the door, but his demeanor was different. He seemed somewhat distant and sad.

"Hi, Cheol! I decided to visit you!" Joshua said with a smile.

Seungcheol, however, wasn't as cheerful. "Yeah, after a week of not even texting me..." he responded, his expression reflecting his disappointment.

"Stop being dramatic! We went on vacation together for weeks! I needed some space!" Joshua defended himself.

"Yeah, yeah. Get in." Seungcheol relented.

Joshua couldn't help but wonder what was bothering his friend. However, Seungcheol's next words shocked him even more.

"Are you planning on confessing to Jeonghan?" Seungcheol asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"Yeah? How did you know that?" Joshua replied, surprised.

"Don't." Seungcheol said simply.

A heavy silence settled in the room, with only the coffee maker machine making any noise.

"Why?" Joshua finally asked, breaking the silence.

Seungcheol sighed deeply. After his coffee was ready, he joined Joshua on the sofa.

"Don't confess to Jeonghan. He's using you for fun. I mean, not in that way... but his life story will explain everything. He has problematic parents. They are the meanest people in the world. He's scared to go home, which is why he hangs out with you so much. He has no feelings for you. Don't get your hopes up. Even the karaoke part—going there with you was just a way for him to stay away from home. I know he stayed at your place last week. Don't trust him, he's not what you think he is." Seungcheol warned.

Joshua was silent, torn between believing his friend and his own feelings. Could it really be true? What if Jeonghan was just pretending? Was it over between them if he followed this advice?

"Why should I trust you with this?" Joshua asked, skeptical of Seungcheol's claims.

"If you don't believe me, then go ahead, take the risk and confess to him. He will likely reject you, and your relationship with him might be over. But if you don't confess, you have a chance to continue hanging out with him, even if it hurts to know he has no feelings for you." Seungcheol reasoned.

Joshua contemplated his friend's words. He couldn't easily dismiss his own feelings and the moments they had shared. Was Seungcheol just being jealous? Or was there some truth to his warning?

He didn't say anything more to Seungcheol about it. He had his own plan. Tomorrow at midnight, he would confess to Jeonghan. He had already planned out what he would say. The time had come!

He would appreciate it if you all wished him "good luck."


𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝘆 // Jihan Where stories live. Discover now