book fair.

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Gadgets and Gizmos, and the worst part, books.
The smell of a Scholastic book fair always injected a sense of nostalgia in the average person.

She excitedly ran right past the book section and went right to a different type of book section, the diary section.

She had a big grin on her face the whole day ever since her mother handed her an envelope with the continents of $20.

She frantically skimmed the section till she saw a small, 3-part, lockable diary with kittens on the front. She attempted to pry it open, but the lock stopped her. She peaked in the small crevice to see the pages were light pink.

She softly squealed. This was the one.

She had a best friend that she was inseparable from. It was her only real friend, she really didn't have any other ones.

She found a cool, multicolored pen and ran to the counter. She was bouncing as the line got shorter and shorter.

She approached the front and excitedly placed the things on the table.

"Is this all?" The woman asked.

"Yes, please!" She says with innocence in her eyes.

"12.97" the woman said.

She enthusiastically dug through her envelope to hand her a 20.

The woman handed her the change, and she happily took it from her.

"Thank you!" She smiled as she grabbed her bag.

"Have a good day," the woman said with a smile

"You too!" She says joyfully, skipping out of the library.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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