Chapter 12 - Soaking Wet Venegeance *

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****This chapter contains explicit content. Proceed at own risk lmao.

Sebastian POV

I had no idea how much time had actually passed since I left Y/N's room of requirements, but I was starting to feel the consequences of no sleep. The past uncertain amount of hours I had spent figuring out the best way to get revenge on Leander and his pathetic little crew.

My plan was simple enough. I just needed to find out who all of them were and for that, I unfortunately needed Quinn, because I had been too blinded by rage and fear when going through that dungeon to even vaguely remember the other's faces. So far I only knew who two of them were. Leander Prewett and Aurelius Flint.

Now, Prewett probably thought he got the best of me down in the dungeons with his face smashed against the wall. But no, he was about to find out exactly what I was capable of when it came down to defending my loved ones.

But I didn't want to take him by surprise. No, I wanted to pick down every single one of his accomplices. One by one. I want him to know that when everyone else has been served their dose of justice, the next worse than the prior. He will be the last one on the list. And it will be excruciating.

So far I had gathered some interesting, yet probably illicit information from the scriptorium which could prove useful. I would, however, need to collect some ingredients from the Forbidden Forest and retrieve a book on forbidden Alchemy from the restricted section. Nothing I couldn't manage.

The challenge would be to get information without raising suspicion. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so hostile towards Quinn. I would have to be exceptionally cunning about this now and also rub myself in with a solid amount of patience. Which, as we all know, is not my strong suit. But I was determined... For Ominis.

Defeated by my own sleepiness and the amount of dust in my eyes I finally stepped out of the scriptorium and made my way to the common room. The couches in front of the fireplace were already abandoned and I cast a glimpse at the floor watch in the corner. It's almost midnight, and it's Sunday— So school tomorrow.

I made my way to Ominis and my room. He was sleeping soundly, the duvet rising and falling slowly in assistance of his body. I longed for the same state of rest, but I desperately needed a shower.

The halls were empty now, so I slipped out of my clothes and kicked them to the edge of my bed before wrapping a towel around my waist. The iron floor between the dorms and the showers sent haunting chills through my feet and I cursed myself for having forgotten my slippers.

As I finally reached the shower rooms I immediately went to my usual stall and turned on the tap for the water to heat up. If anything I preferred showering this late on a school night. There was no one around and I could take as long as I needed.

When steam started forming around the pouring water I hung the towel on a nearby rack and stepped inside the shower. The hot water gave an immediate relief as it scolded the surface of my skin-- the heat seeping into my muscles. I couldn't help but lean my head back and groan at the much needed sensation.

A distant creak startled me out of my seance. "Who's there?" I called out, but no response. Must have been the old pipes in the castle, it wasn't uncommon for them to complain.

I closed my eyes and allowed the water to further clean away traces of the vengeance I had been planning for the past day and a half. Completely oblivious to the infiltration of another presence in the stall with me. Before I could react I found myself pinned against the wall of the shower. The cold tiles were now competing with the hot water sending shifts of temperature through my body.

Will of the Serpent (S.S+O.G x Male+Female OC) MM + FMWhere stories live. Discover now