Chapter 13 - The Quiet Before The Storm pt. 1

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Bit shorter chapter and perhaps a bit boring considering the excitement in the past few chapters. However, I need to build a foundation as well. It can't all be angst and smut haha. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate it a lot! <3

Main POV

Where in Merlin's name are they? The potions class was supposed to have started half an hour ago and I knew damn well both Ominis and Sebastian didn't just forget. Professor Sharp, also being the head of the Slytherin house, had gone off to the common rooms in search of them. The rest of the class was currently writing notes on Garroting Gas and why it is considered one of the most dangerous potions in the wizarding world.

The doors in the potions classroom burst open and Sharp came pacing through with Sebastian and Ominis tugged at their collars. They looked like they had just woken up, their hairs ruffled and their eyes puffy and narrow. I caught Sebastian's gaze for a second, but he flinched away immediately. How odd, I wondered what on earth they had been up to. And not to mention if Ominis was still upset with me. We didn't exactly part on good terms last time we spoke. I would have to speak to him soon, but I really hoped he hadn't told Sebastian about my potion relapse. Fuck... He probably did, is that why he was so avoidant?...

Professor Sharp came pacing through the classroom with the two young men dragging behind him. He practically tossed them down on the seats next to me and continued up to his desk.

He leaned over the desk with his hands, a deep line in his forehead signalled his anger towards the two lads at my side. "I suppose I don't need to tell the two of you knuckleheads, that you will be expected to serve detention for the remainder of the week." Sharp barked at Sebastian and Ominis. Some other students in the classroom snickered and laughed behind the cover of their hands. I turned to give them a deadly stare, to which they responded by stopping immediately.

Ominis clicked his teeth in disappointment next to me and I turned to him. Behind him I could see Sebastian as well, he didn't look like he cared though. He was just staring blankly ahead.

"Well, I hope the rest of you had some time to write about Garroting Gas and why we are NOT going to be brewing that in this classroom... Yes I am especially talking to you, Weasley. The consequences of the potion are bad enough if done correctly I can only imagine what you would do to it." Professor Sharp continued in his monotone and strict tone.

Garreth let his head fall down and he gave me a shameful side eye. He was absolutely intending to try and brew it, that stupid boy. I did have to give Garreth some credit though, he had become exceedingly better at brewing since our fifth year and was even speaking about making a career from it. He was saying how he wanted to compete with J. Pippins and drive him out of business. Apparently, the two of them didn't see eye to eye after Garreth blew up the rentable brewing station at J.Pippin's shop. And with it a bunch of ingredients as well as ancient scrolls of potion recipes.

I gave Garreth a knowing smile and he winked back at me. He had always had a bit of an eye for me I suppose. After all– I was the only one able to resist his charms, and I suppose that drove him a bit mad. He had grown very handsome the past years though, tall too. I was sure that under the right circumstances, I would probably sleep with him, not sure what that said about me, but I frankly didn't care. He didn't know he had that oppertunity, and neither could he. Besides, Sebastian and him hated each other, so there would be a massive testosterone fight if that would happen. Though the Slytherin in me, does love a bit of chaos.

I shook away the thoughts and put my attention back to the lecture. Next, we were going to practice preparations of ingredients. Such as, how the same ingredients can be used in different potions, but the way you prepare them may alter the quality or function of the potion. I loved potions, I found it to be such a versatile and powerful tool. Usually the guys somewhat agreed with me, but today they were exceptionally quiet.

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