The realisation.

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Chapter 10

The chief came for the weekly check up because of the illegal substances. again he didn't find anything. i mean why would he? anyways it was a pretty chill shift until this call came: *FIREHOUSE 126 NEEDING ASSISTENCE ON ##### STREET* they geared up and assisted firehouse 126 it was a multiple story building that catched on fire because something exploded. the rest of the shifts were filled with calls always with the same reason. stanford started to get suspicious and told his team to help him check it out. so they did and what  they found was crazy. they found a self made small bomb and there were multiple pictures of evan lase's death. it looked like this was the hideout from the person that keeps setting these bombs. stanford wasn't sure what to do so he got the detectives involved. Hello i'm detective void. detective dawson. detective nancy. so what do we have so far? void asked. multiple mini bombs and many picture's of my dead firefighter.  stanford replied. i'm sorry for ur loss. void asnwered. it's alright but what does this lead to? stanford asked. definetly nothing good. someone definitely had it out for ur firefighter. detective nancy answered. multiple weeks passed but the bomb setter was not found or spootted anywhere. it's like he or she disappeared. then it hit stanford. he went to the detectives asking to see the dead news paper pictures. detective void showed him and he was right. those pictures were edited and printed out. somehow excatly how the funeral was tho. and the printed pictures were older meaning.. meaning evan set those bomb's and had it out for ur firehouse. detective dawson finished his sentence. he didn't have it out for my firehouse. he has it out for my firehouse! stanford took his radio and directly yelled into it: EVERYONE IN THE FIREHOUSE EVACUATE THE FIREHOUSE I REPEAT EVACUATE THE FIREHOUSE! the detectives and stanford drove to the firehouse immediatley and saw everyone standing outside looking confused. stanford got out and wanted to explain but then the bomb actually went off. that was hidden somewhere around the firehouse. everyone was shocked until they realised what's going on. it was him am i right? Stanford only nodded his head.  detective void felt bad for the firehouse. so bad that a tear dripped down his face. detective dawson saw and wipped it away telling him there was nothing he could have done. thank you cap. selina said hugging him the whole team joined because he just saved over 20 lifes.  after that they all were set on working pause because the firehouse had to be repaired. it took over 6 weeks but then finally stanford got a call. Hello sir ur firehouse is done and can now be ready to be worked at again. nice day. thank you! he hung up. my firehouse is back in the roll! woohoo! michael cheared. the team started working again short after and the shift was already crowded with calls but this one was the worst. *FIREHOUSE  18 NEEDS IMMEDIATE ASSISTENCE MULTIPLE TRUCK CRASHES INCLUDING FIREHOUSE 18!* they geared up so fast cause those were their drinking buddies. they arrived on scene and the other assigned team was there already. they saw the lightly scratched up captain breaking down and they knew what was up. still stanford asked. what's going on?? he asked. the truck team didn't make it. there all dead. the police man answered. stanford looked like a ghost just passed his eyes and his team knew it was to late. they all got back on their trucks and they knew what was coming. another funeral. none of their own but many that went deeper than friendship. that was family. the first day and it was already back to it's sad ritual. many but heart breaking days passed and then the funeral came. they dressed up and this time stanford cried the most. when he couldn't hold the tears back anymore he fell into rider's arms and cried his heart out. his best buddie casey was on truck meaning he's dead too. he always had small but bursting feelings for him. never told him tho. he regrets it now. the funeral was over and the teams knew what to do.  both the teams went out for a drink priced on truck team 18. it was a painfull but rembering night out. stanford came home late but for michael it wasn't a problem cause he knew where he was. selina and TK went home way later than anyone because selina and TK didn't have a private night out in a while. still they kept truck team 18 in mind. Selina and TK came home so late and so drunk that they had the wildest night in bed. 

*neighbors view:* dangg why are they always so loud? imma call the cops if this keeps going on like this. 

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