The last Day on Earth.

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Chapter 13

Gabriella: what?! WHAT HAPPENED WITH MOM? 

she asked full of fear.

dad: she was in a car accident this morning and didn't make it. her funeral is next saturday. i'm sorry kid.

Gabriella:  NO! NO! NO! 

she teared up and dropped the phone. she sat down on the floor and started crying non stop. sercho came running into the office after seeing her drop to the floor. What happened? gaby answer me! my mom she.. gabriella couldn't talk no more so sercho calmed her down and they sat on the floor for about half an hour before a call rolled in and they cleared there head's real quick and geared up. *FACTORY BUILDING ON FIRE* when they arrived on scene they managed their teames pretty quick and got the fire and the people out pretty quick. they got back into house 51 and they knew they had to clean the trucks after that big call so they got something to drink and a snack and the cleaning materials and got on with cleaning. they hated cleaning the truck but at the same time it had something calming. the paramedics had to clean their ambulance too. the next shift came to a start and sercho saw his recruit rafael again and was so glad. he told rafael everything that happened but didn't tell him what happened with selina after the fight. Stanford came by the firehouse and asked selina how she was managing and she answered pretty good. well i had a small fight with sercho about his replacement for the last shift but he managed. selina said. alright take care gotta head to the headquarters again. stanford said. Bye Chief. selina said quickly while turning back to her office cause she heard her phone ringing again. It was one of the firefighters calling in sick at 7:50 in the morning. It was rider. She asked what was up and he said: My wife just got in labor and i know i won't make it till the end of shift. alright i wish u very good luck. both of you. she said hanging up the phone by now. Selina got out of her office walking into the kitchen to announce that squad 3 will be getting a diffrent leuitenant today. Everyone listen up! Squad will be getting a diffrent squad leuitenant today because rider's wife went into labor this morning and he told me he won't make it to shift today. I don't know who the leuitenant will be yet because stanford will be choosing for us since he's the chief at headquarters. stay prepared to go on calls without a leuitenant. after half an hour stanford walked into firehouse 51 walking to selina's office. Hey selina! so uhm i couldn't find a replacement for rider today so i will be taking his place today is that alright? oh hey stanford yeah sure that's fine! Oh uh..go tell the truck and squad team so they know i gotta make some calls at the moment. she replied. Alrighty then! HEY EVERYONE! stanford called out. everyone came over and hugged him with a surprised face. i will be taking the squad leuitenant place for today cause i wasn't able to find anyone that could come so soon as today. Woohoo! that's amazing! the squad team replied and the truck team was happy to have stanford back for a day not knowing that he would stay. forever. And then the call came where everyone was looking emotionless at eachother before jumping into the trucks. *BUILDING FIRE AT ### IN ####### STREET!* THAT'S RIDER'S HOUSE!  some scolded through the station. They arrived on scene as quick as possible and saw that the house was already burning up in flames but they didn't see rider or anyone standing outside. Truck geared up and went inside to look for them and saw rider covering his wife but..they were both burnt dead because a flame flashed over them maybe a few minutes ago. Gabriella was standing outside with her squad team but she was shaking for her leuitenant. she suddenly dropped everything and ran inside and no one could stop her. GABRIELLA GET BACK UR NOT GEARED UP! stanford yelled while selina ran after her but she was to late. The truck team came running out 3 minutes later but gabriella never did. DID U SEE GABY COMING UR WAY? selina asked loudly because the trucks were over going her voice. NO WE DIDN'T WHY? TK answered. FUCK FUCK FUCK! SHE RAN INSIDE WITH NO GEAR! Selina said. ILL GO BACK IN! TK said. NO U CAN'T! THE SMOKES TOO BLACK WE CAN'T SEND ANYONE ELSE IN! squad members could see a tear running down selina's face knowing she thinks she failed her team. gaby never made it out meaning she died. the next day when the team had to make a search through the burnt up house they found all of the 4 body's. rider, gaby, the labor woman and rider's wife. the baby was never born. it died inside of her. they were heart broken when they saw that gaby got caught in something that kept her from beeing able to run. they packed up and let the coroners do their job. Almost 8 months passed since the accident and the team had a new candidate on truck getting TK to be promoted up to squad. Stanford stayed leuitenant from that day on making him a leuitenant and a chief. the team got good with the candidate and they all kept on working for many more years.

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