7.Another world III

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~ yn pov ~

I woke up because of the sunlight that falls from the window. I feel a hand on my waist I look by my side to find the most mesmerizing view. The way the sunlight was falling on his already ethereal face was making him look more ethereal. I just don't have enough words to describe his beauty. He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. I could feel his hard chest pressed on my bare back ,his calm hart beat and his hot breath on my skin. I can't belive I'm cuddling with a VAMPIRE but...... it's nice and warm I don't feel like leaving him.

He shifted in his sleep as if he is about to wake up so I quickly close my eyes pretending to be asleep.
" You suck at acting " I hear his husky morning voice that could make anyone go week in the knees. " Good Morinin pretty one " he greets me while smiling
" Morinin " i greet back but without a smile after all, he kidnapped me and has probably killed my friends All this while when I was thinking I didn't notice he was staring at me .
" How can you be so........ gorgeous? " he asks while staring into my eyes. I feel butterflies in my stomach . Is he making me feel this or am I just hungry?
He suddenly laughs making me confused
" do you really not know the difference between feeling hungry and feeling butterflies " he asks . We are still laying on his ginormous bed .
" Stooop ! You can't read my mind like that ! "
" yes I can "


~ AN pov ~

As days went by jungkook started trusting Yn and he also stared falling for her .They also started to get more intimate on bed." Why did you start obeying me all of a sudden " jungkook asked
" because i don't know way back to my home I don't have any friends left and you won't let me run away so I've just accepted my fate " yn simply answered.

Now yn was allowed out of the room she was given the freedom to explore the palace . Jungkook was treating yn like a princess,always protecting her . He used to hold her as if she was the most precious and fragile thing in the world. Never ever a human has made Jungkook head over heels like yn . " Why do you always get me excited to touch you , feel you pretty one ? " were his words to describe his feelings . Every thing was going smoothly according to yn's plan.

But one day.........they were hanging out in his garden . " Yn......" Jungkook begins
" hmmm?"
" I- I think- no - I " jungkook stutters
" hey what's wrong ?are you alright ? " yn asks worridly

" yes I'm fine " he sighs and take a deep breath
" Yn...... I love you from all my heart I'm willing to give my everything for you. I love you more than anyone or anything in the whole universe........ and honestly it scares me, I don't want to screw up whatever we have........I can't explain in words how much you mean to me I don't want to loose you I want you in my life forever..... So yn will you be mine? " Jungkook spoke his heart out whereas Yn was taken a back by the sudden confession. Not getting any answers Jungkook's smile dropped
" it's fine.... you don't have to- " he was cut of by a kiss from yn
" I love you too and I'm already yours " yn beamed a heart melting smile . That day Jungkook was the most happiest Vampire in the world.

Now jungkook allowed Yn out of the palace. He allowed her explore his kingdom but with guards ofcourse. Yn was at a library when she saw some books that could help her go back to her world she quickly bought it with the money Jungkook gave her. Yn was in her room reading the books she bought she got to know there were no weakness of a vampire , in her world sunlight and garlic are harmful for vampires but here nothing can debate a vampire . And she also got to know that when she will trace through the portal she will feel weakness most likely faint because of the power the portal holds and the vampire world is same as humans like both the road looks the same and if one had to destroy the portal just burn it .

While she was busy reading she didn't see jungkook entering the room . Jungkook stood behind her to see what she's reading with so much focus and concentration. When he saw it his eyes became blood shot red . He snatched the book from her." YOU DARE THINKING OF LEAVING ME "
" Jungkook- I can explain it's not- " she got cut of when he held her by her neck and her face closer to his . " You . are . Mine . Get that shit inside your dumb head " he growled
He then held her by her forever arms
" You. Can't. Leave. Me " he says while digging his nails into her smooth skin.
" what were you even thinking huh ? " he says
" I - I was it hurts ! " he didn't let her explanation as he dug his nails deeper into her flesh . The scratch has now turned into a wound as blood starts oozing out of yns skin. He pushes her away and walks out of the door slaming the door behind him.

Yn fell down crying looking at her wounded fore arms . She makes up her mind that " I'm going to leave anyway just endure a bit more then it's all over "

Jungkook was out of his kingdom for some work and yn took this opportunity and told her guards she wanted to go to a forest to find some flower.
She was in the forest she tries to remember where she set her camp . After some what 2 hours she found it . She found the portal . It was in a trunk of a large tree . " your majesty we found it " she heard her guards so she quickly jumped into the portal
And finally she was in her world. she felt dizzy and weak but before she faints she needs to burn down the tree so she throws gasoline on the tree then uses a match stick to set it on fire . She did it . She couldn't believe that she did it . The she faints........


~ Yn pov ~
It's been a week since I'm back everyone was surprised when they saw me as thought me and my friends were dead ...... I didn't Tell anyone about the vampire stuff . They'll think I'm crazy so I just went with the flow. But though I'm back at my home I still feel........... empty ? Scared? Guilty?
Because I couldn't save Sana and lia but the thing that was disturbing me the most was that I.............was missing him. did I actually stared loving him ? No that can't be I can't love a monster he literally killed my friends I should hate him.

While I was busy in my thoughts I heard a scream outside my house . I open the door and to my horror everything was on fire people were running here and there while screaming and there were wild animals eating people right in front of me . My voice got stuck in my throat I couldn't utter a word.

Then I saw him coming out of the dark .
" Jung- jungkook ? "
My feet automatically ran towards him I don't what's happening to me I should feel scared angry but all I was feeling was happiness........
I engulfed him in a tight hug. " I missed you so much God ! I love you " I cried out he seems taken a back by my actions.
" you- you actually love me ? Even after I killed your friends and kidnapped you ? "
" yes ! I love you with my whole heart it took me a while to realize that I love so fucking much " I say while ignoring all the chaos that was happening around us . " I love you too human " he says while smiling widely .

That is it for this part . This was not really dark so I was thinking of making another part to reveal Jungkooks actually dark side
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