6. Another world II

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~ Yn pov ~
I open my eyes to realise that I was in a similar room. The room I saw in my dream . What the fuck is happening!  There is a mirror just in front of the and there is something written on it with blood

The things you saw
Were just a dream
Made by me .
Did you like it ? ;)
                                              _ J.Jk
This jerk !
A light of hope lights in me , my friends can still be alive ! I should try to find them. I try opening the door but it's locked
I look around the room and there is a gigantic book shelf.  I'm trying to find anything that will give me some clue And one book catches my eye

~Two worlds ~

The title of the book caught my eye it was a thick book in blood red colour . I read the whole book as I didn't have anything else do to or try .
I got to know that there are two worlds, the one run by  humans and the other one run by werewolves and vampires. One can teleport from one world to the other if they find the portal which is very difficult to find. Vampires can't use their powers to teleport beetween the two  worlds they need to use the portal as well. There are total 7 portals. I think one must be somewhere in the forest we went for Tracking.

I have made a little plan first I'll be obedient to him then when he starts trusting me I'll run to the forest. I need to -


I quickly hide the book.
"Come in " The doors open to reveal  Jungcock or jungkook whatever his name is.
  He has a bowl of Ramen in his Hands.
" I've bought some food for you, eat it"
He didn't have to repeat because I snacted the bowl from his hand and began slurping the delicious Ramen like an animal. I've been starving!

" Slow down human , your food isn't running " he says chuckling . Why does he look kinda cute!
" Thanks but I'll say that I'm more of hot kinda guy" he says licking his lips seductively. A crimson red creeps over my cheeks.he read my thoughts.....

He takes the empty bowl away and comes closer.
Our lips are now inches away I could feel his hot breath on my skin . My lips aching for his. I close my eyes in delight as I finally feel his luscious lips on mine. I gave in quickly I was now kissing him back . His hand creeps towards my ass giving it a squeeze making me gasp . He took this opportunity and shoved his tongue into my mouth exploring every corner of it. I can't belive I'm making out with a fucking vampire !!

He leaves a trail of sloppy wet kisses down my jawline to collar bone to my breasts. His hands moves towards under my shirt and unbuckle my bra.

He starts squeezing both my boobs as I moan in delight , it feels so good ! He then takes one nipple in his mouth sucking and biting on it while his hands play with the other. I can feel the wetness between my legs . I rub my thighs together for some friction.  But he puts his knee in between my legs to stop me .

" grind yourself onto me love " he says in a husky and dominant voice . Following his commands I start movng my hips back and forth on his knee.
He smashes lips onto mine again as I moan between the kiss.
His hands move towards my pants removing them .

He plays with the hem of my panties making me whine. Then he removes my panties with his teeth.  I try to close  my as I feel shy and embarrassed.  But he doesn't let me he spreads my legs and comes closer towards my woman hood.
He gives it a long lick. He then starts sucking on it
Making me moan louder . His tongue moving skill fully making me get close to my orgasm .
" i- I'm close" I let him know he starts thrusting his finger in my womanhood. Making me moan louder than ever.  " too- too much ahhh"
I feel a knot in my stomach . I feel closer to my release .he sucks harsher and rougher  onto my womanhood.  " Ahhhhhh" I moan in such a high  pitch voice which I didn't knew I could As I release on his finger and tongue . My while body jerks because of the strong orgasm .Gosh he made me see stars ! I feel my eyes getting heavy as I drift in a deep slumber.

Hey guys!
This is it for this part I'll upload the next part soon . Please don't forget to vote and comment
Thnx for reading 💞

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