Red Lipsick

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Danny's POV

May stood in the door way completely frozen. I jumped off Lena and almost fell over.

"We were just playing with the guns. . nerf guns." I moved over to the stereo and shut it off. Lena got up and sat on the bed, looking from May to me.

"May this is Lena. Lena, my girlfriend May." Neither girls moved. The room was charged with tension.

"Nice to meet you." May snapped out of her daze and held her hand out to Lena.

"You too. . I should go." Lena stood, ignoring May's extended hand and moved toward the door. I watched as she disappeared down the hall. I turned my attention back to May. She was sitting on my bed looking up at me with a impassive expression.

"She's pretty." May stated. I sat down next to her. My emotions are all over the place. I felt something with Lena that I've never felt before. It was like when you see someone without actually seeing them. When you finally open your eyes, they're a whole other person. But, I cant like her like her. She's like a sister. She's always been there when I had no one. I can't mess that up.

"I guess." I replied dryly.

"You guys sure were cozy." May waved her hands at the mess we made.

"That's just how we are." I pulled May into my lap and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Hmm. ." May kissed me back.

"I have an hour." May stood and slowly pulled off her top. She stood in front of me with nothing but on but a red bra and jeans. Damn I thought before taking them off and sliding in my bed.


Lena's POV

I was so close! I could practically taste him and that May girl had to come in and ruin it. Plus, she's hot. Like drop dead model hot. Long brown hair and green eyes. How am I supposed to compete with that? I look like a potato sac compared to her. It so isn't fair. Oh shut up, you can totally take her. My subconscious snared at me. Oh jeez. I do not wanna deal with her right now.You are gorgeous girl! You- no, we just need a little confidence. Maybe I'm right. And I know just how to get some.

"I wanna make love," Music blasted from The Zodiac. It was so loud you could feel the bass two streets over. I was dressed to kill. I had on a black lace dress that brushed my knees, black red bottoms and a red clutch with my red accessories to match. My hair was loose and curly and my red lipstick was vibrant. It made me look like a vixen. Instead of walking up to the front, I went straight to the back where I went last time. The old rusted door was ajar when I approached. Before opening it, I looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched. When the coast was clear I opened the door and it was like I was in a whole other world. I was expecting it to be how it was the last time but, it was completely different. Instead of the red light it was a soft lavender and the walls weren't black. They were purple. Beds and cages with girls dancing inside them lined the interior of the place. Purple,red, and yellow lights flashed from the Dj booth that was by the bar. Glitter covered the black sticky floor. Girls and boys laid on the beds while guys in and girls in nothing but a thong walked around offering these little tube looking glasses that glowed different colors. "Unleash what you got, lets explore your naughty side. ." Robins Thicke Sex Therapy blasted from the speakers. Looks like I chose the right outfit. I moved towards the bar all the while looking for Ian.

"You look ravishing. Does Ian know you're here?" The Asian bartender greeted me. He was covered in glitter.

"I'm looking for him." I finally spotted him on a bed making out with a girl with bright red hair. Making out wasn't a strong enough word. The were almost full out having sex. Gross.

"What would you like?" I turned my attention back to the bartender feeling slightly jealous.

"Vodka, straight." Jeff (The bartender) sat an empty shot glass down in front of me and poured clear liquid into it. I hurried and took the shot.I grimaced as the liquid burned my throat, settling right in my chest.

"Another." Jeff refilled it and moved down towards the growing line. I don't know what I expected showing up here but it sure wasn't that. I picked up my second shot and tipped it back. Ugh I can never get used to that burning sensation.

"What are you doing here?" Ian startled me. He took the glass out my hand and sat it back down on the counter.

"Looking for you boyfriend." I gave him a pointed look. He looked good in a white shirt with Obey Ian written on it and white fitted jeans. His earring sparkled in the light and he smelled like axe body spray.

"What did I tell you the first time you came here?" His grey eyes were burning with anger and something else I couldn't place.

"Well, it's a good thing you aren't my dad. Just my pretend boyfriend." I said sarcastically.

"Are you drunk?" Ian asked. I held my hand up in an "A little" gesture. Ian shook his head and tried to pull me off the stool.

"Ow, stop!" I yanked my arm away from him. He was being a jerk. I came all this way to. . well I'm not entirely sure it was really an impulse decision but still. It was him I came to see. And what do I get? Attitude. I don't appreciate it.

"I'm not making you leave Lena I'm just taking you to a bed." Bed? I looked around panicked. I wasn't ready for that.

"Not for that just come on." Ian rolled his eyes at me and led me over to an empty bed by the opposite side of the room. The lights changed to orange, purple, and green. Girls were making out with girls and guys. The girls in the cages were seductively moving their bodies to Red Light Special by TLC.

"You look really good Lena." Ian rested his hand on my thigh.

"So do you." I don't know if its the liquor or just the tone of the club but I was feeling things down there that I've never felt before. And the way Ian was looking at me- like he wanted to devour me- wasn't helping matters. I felt like my world was spinning on its axis.

"Do you want to leave?" Ian asked. He was achingly close. I could feel the heat radiating off him.

"No." I whispered. Ian cupped my neck with his hand and lightly brushed his lips against mine. I shivered and moved closer to him. Ian got more frantic with his touch as he bit my bottom lip and squeezed my thigh. I moaned against his mouth and buried my hands throw his thick brown hair. He tastes so good. What do you think you're doing ? My subconscious scowled at me. What about Danny? His name was like a bucket of cold water being thrown on my face. I stood abruptly and ran towards the door leaving behind a confused Ian.

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