Chapter 6

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"See you soon, Victoria Costa..."

She stopped her tracks and just froze. She slowly turned to me. "What did you say?" she asked confused. I furrowed my eyebrows "What? I said see you soon Victoria." I acted all innocent.

"Nah ah, you said Victoria Costa." She said and walked closer to me. I put my hands in my pockets and leaned against the wall. "Oh yeah I said that."

"How the fuck do you now my last name?" she asked in such a panic. I smiled at her "Honey, I have my ways. I was very interested in you, so I learned some things." I simply replied.

That girl, I learned about her from the first day. I asked Alex to tell me everything about her. I know who she is, what she does, everything. Nothing and no one escapes me.

She was so confused, so in panic, oh she's so cute. She clearly thinks I'm crazy and sick. I don't care, something in that girl wants me to get closer to her.

She is very beautiful, her black beautiful hair and her green sexy eyes. Her face, her body is so perfect. So sweet, so weak but yet so strong. She seems weak but she is actually so strong, so brave, so confident. She speaks with her mind. She's a smart person and I guess an overthinker.

She's not all that girly, she isn't clingy on me. The way she rode her bike yesterday, oh god she was so hot. She's an amazing driver.

Before the race was a tie, I've never seen someone as good as me in cars before. I'm very impressed by her.

The thing I want more is her, screaming my name. Screaming from all the pleasure I can give her. I don't even know why am I so attached to her.

"Did you spy on me?" she asked. Oh that angry face of hers. "Yes, in a way." I replied. She was about to explode but Dario came and dragged her away. I watched as she was leaving with Dario.

I could hear as they were yelling things in Italian. I don't know Italian but I know that's what they are speaking, she's Italian, so is he. She was about to hop in her car, she gave me a last look and got in her car.

She drove away. Shit I might destroyed our moment. Maybe I scared her.


"He fucking knows who I am! He's clearly in the mafia too, he wouldn't know any oh this if he wasn't." I said while looking at the road.

"Should we tell to your dad?" he asked me. "Hell no, he will lock me in there for years, juts to keep me safe." I replied and Dario nodded.

I was going up the hill again, to the house. "Okay calm down, act cool but I don't anyone would be up in this time." I said. "I'm calm, you aren't." he said.

"Fuck no am not." I said and bit my lip hard. We pulled in the mansion and I parked my car in the big garage. We both stepped out of the car.

Dario stroked my back. "Go get some rest, it was a big night." he said and I nodded. I walked up to my room. I then went to take a shower.

I stripped out of my clothes and I hopped in the shower. I let the hot water explore my naked body. I felt a bit relaxed. I was in there for a good amount of minutes.

When I was done I stepped out and wrapped a towel over me. I picked some clothes and underwear. I got dressed and then I brushed my hair and teeth. I let my hair dry in it's own.

Then I laid to my bed. And all the 'What if's' hit me. What if plans to kill me. What if he would kidnap me for money. What if he wants me? What if I've never went there? What if I never won the race? What if he never paid attention to me? What if....

I soon was asleep. I was very tired and exhausted. I didn't want to think about anything now. Can't I just sleep and never wake up again?


I had woken up and I was having my breakfast with my family. I was just playing around with it. I was so lost in thought, I could no longer hear anyone, it was just me. But my father turned me back to reality.

"Aren't you hungry Victoria?" he asked me. I placed my fork down "Not really, I don't have an appetite." I replied. We all sat in silence at the table.

When everyone was done I stood up and went to my room. I opened my laptop and did some research, about Tom. I was looking through files for hours. Well, I found a lot of... Things

I shut it and stood up. I was more than right, Tom is in the mafia too. He is very powerful. He has done such things. The cases were very bad detailed.

Tonight I had a mission. I had to an abandoned building to deliver drugs. I had to get the money and come back home. Nothing special, it is as easy as it sounds.

We had lunch, this time I ate because I was hungry. Then I went training and spent most of my time there, like always. I worked out, had fights with people, punched some punching bags and also went shoot training.

I did a refreshing shower and got on some comfortable clothes. I laid to my bed but then I had an idea. I quickly changed again into some old clothes. I went to the big garage, with all of our beautiful cars and bikes.

I walked to one of my cars. I decided to work a bit on it. I wanted it to be faster. So, I spent another 3 hours fixing the car. I was looking at the engine now but a voice scared me.

"Hey!" she said happy. I flinched "Damn Vivian, you scared the shit out of me." I said and she laughed. I turned again to my car.

"Ah I see you're working on this baby!" she said in excitement. I smiled and nodded my head "Yeah!" I replied.

"How come?" she asked in a curious tone. "Well, I want it to be faster and it also had some problems." I said and wiped the sweat out of my forehead.

I checked my watch, shit I have to get ready. I did some last things. I wiped my hands with a a towel, a now dirty towel. "I have to go. Bye!" I said to Vivian. She waved at me.

I walked in the living room and got to my room. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was such a mess and all dirty. I undressed and put my clothes on the washing machine. I stepped in the shower, again. I cleaned myself and felt a lot better.

Now I was looking for some clothes. I decided to go with a white top with black jeans. I also put on my black jacket. I did my hair in a ponytail.

I grabbed my gun and my things. My partner for tonight will be Julio, he is very good, but we aren't like friends. Just typical things.

I got down again and he was at the front waiting at the car. He will drive tonight, I was okay with it. I went up to him "Hey. Are you ready?" I asked.

"Hi, yes I am. Let's go" he said. We both got in the car and he started driving. "Did you get the drugs?" I asked him and he nodded. "Yup, the bag is in the back of the car."


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