Chapter 16

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Dario finally found me and Mia. All of us have been talking and socializing with other people too. It was good meeting new people. I kind of have social anxiety but I'm trying to get over it by the time.

As time goes be time, more people are showing up. That makes me more nervous about the race, I'm sure I won't win, I won't come first but it's fine. Right now, I'm with 2 new friends checking out the man's car.

"Can I see the engine?" I asked the man, Mark. "Sure!" he said as he opened the hood of the car. I took a look on the inside, amazed by it. But something felt off on it. I took a better look. "Hey Mark! This wire is in the wrong place" I said as I pointed out at the mistake. "Really?" he asked suprised. "Yes, can I fix it for you?"

He gave me an unsure look but then nodded with a smile. He was a good dude, around my age and very kind. I exchanged the wire with the right one with my hands. Mark was looking right at my hands. "There!" I said and pulled away. He gave me a suspicious look "I'll say that I trust you, for now" he said and I laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm a person to trust" I said and placed my hand on my chest, right at my heart. "That's what liars say" he said and I laughed again as I shook my head.

All of us chilled by our cars, talking and laughing nonstop and nonsense. I met some good people, they were very funny and fun to be honest. It was good being around them.

As we were talking and waiting for time to pass, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Everyone became serious, I turned around and saw Tom. "Oh, hey!" I said as I smiled to him. He smiled slightly "Hey" he said back.

"Wanna go for a walk?" he asked me, his eyes begging me to say yes. I nod my head "Yes!" I say. He gives me his hand and I get it as I stand up. We start walking together around while he greets some people.

"So, how are you?" he asks as he looks away. "I'm fine, what about you?" I ask kindly. He smiles and turns to look at me "I'm fine" he replies and I nod. We continue walking around, in silence since we didn't have much to talk about.

"Are you nervous for tonight?" he asks me as I can notice a cute smile on his face. I chuckle and nod my head. "Yeah, there are so many racers" I reply and he nods in an understanding way. "I understand, we're actually so happy that so many people came this year" he says with a big smile.

I can't help but smile as well with him. "Yeah" I sigh. He looks at me but I kept looking forward as we walk. The tension is really heavy.

"RACERS GET READY!" we hear from the distance. We both turn our heads back. All I could see is people running to their vehicles, otge rushing to a spot to watch. A chaos.

"Let's go" he says and walks back. I follow him and our ways apart. I go back to my car. I see Mia standing there waiting for me. "Get in bitch!" she says and I laugh.

I unlock the car and both of us step in. I got my seat belt on and turn on the car. I drive slowly to the starting line, along with so many other cars. I was on the 3rd row, since we were so many cars.

My leg was trembling, I bite my nails and I feel my stomach twitch. My anxiety increases. We wait for all the cars to join us. Mia places her hand on my thigh. "Stop, we're here to have some fun. Don't be so competitive" she says kinda annoyed. "Okay.." I say and try to calm down.

All the cars were ready in place. I could see from the mirror, Tom some rows behind me. He seems so ready, so calm. I smile to myself but I pull away. I could see the girl who starts the race, trying to get to the start.

Once she was there, she looks around to check if everyone is ready. She nods her head and starts counting. "3...2...1..." she lifts her skirt "GO!" she says and all cars fly past her, as she stand there praying to God to not get hit.

My legs and hands just go on their own, doing what they had to without me realizing. Mia screams and enjoys the race. I on the other hand, focus on the road and the cars. There are so many ahead of me, and card passing by me. But I try to keep it up.

I pass a car, then two, three, and as many as I can. From my mirrors I could see Tom's black car. I get out of his way, and he passes me. His window was done, he looked at me and I nod my head. I wasn't going to win but I want to help him to.

We took a sharp turn, the drift I did was just perfect. "Come on Victoria!" Mia cheers for me, trying to hype me up. But I know I'm not going to win, I feel it.

I have a bad feeling.

Cars fly past me, my car slows down. I look confused, I try changing gears. I checked for gas, but it's full. The car is almost moving. I look over at Mia and she looks as confused as me. The car comes to an end, it turns of on its own.

All the cars drive past us. I get out of my car. Almost someone hit me. I walk up the hood of the car and take a look on the engine, it's destroyed. "Bloody hell..." I say to myself. I slam it the back down. Mia gets out as well and I lean on the hood. "What happened?" she asks confused.

I sigh "Someone sabotaged us" I say and ahead of us on the road I could also see drivers with their cars, just checking them because they don't work as well. Some cars were on the start, they never turned on.

"Those fuckers destroyed my car!" I yell out of anger. "Hey, it's okay" says Mia as she tries to comfort me. I smell something, and seems like Mia does too. "Is...Is something burning?" she asks, my eyes wide in realization and I look back at the car. Flames were on the back. The car was burning.

I back away from the car, so does Mia. "No.." I say as I couldn't believe my eyes. Seeing it burning down, broke my heart. That car means a lot to me, I worked hard to get it.

I back away some more and drop on the ground. I sit down and watch as it burns slowly. Mia stands next to me.

Some people came from their cars to watch what happend. I just sat there peacefully as Mia explained to them. Tears run down of my cheeks. I felt like I lost everything. But why? I don't know. That car meant a lot.

I cry there on my own, as people watch me. Mia tries to comfort me once again and reassure me. My beautiful white turned into black burned pieces. They tried to stop the fire, they did but there was no use anymore.

I get up and start to walk along with Mia to the finishing line, to find Dario. The race had ended and all the racers had crossed the line. We were just back there watching my beauty in fire.

After some 10 minutes we reached the finishing line. Mia kept complaining about how her feet hurt from her heels. So many people, some many cars and here i am, without my car.

I got my phone out and called Dario, he didn't pick up. "Okay, let's split, if you find his call me" I say to Mia. She nods her head "You too." she replies. We walk on different ways and I'm looking around on the crowd.

I couldn't find Dario, he was nowhere to be seen. As I was walking I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see "Tom!" I say with a small smile. He brings me into a hug, a big and tight one. "I won!" he says happily.

I hug him back and smile "Congratulations Tom!" I say to him. He pulls away "Thank you" he says and looks down at me. "What place did you come at?" he asks and my smile fades.

"I didn't make it till the end" I say and look down. He was confused, he looked around for someone, maybe Mia or Dario. But then he sees the people in the distance, with their cars stopped on the middle of the road.

He turns back at me and grabs both of my arms. "Did they sabotage you?" he asks in a sweet voice, full of sadness and sympathy. I nod my head "Yeah, my car got in fire" I admit and some more tears run down on my cheeks.

He wipes them away and smiles at me. "It's okay, don't worry" he says and I nod my head.

Thanks for waiting luvs. I appreciate it. I'll try to post more

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