Run Away & Face The Reality

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I have no idea how it end up here. I remember things vaguely. They are running after us, willing to kill. There are numbers of them, holding a rifle ready to put holes on us.

They are behind us, I can see them; not too close but not to far to see. The sand-smoke is surrounding the path and I can see the men behind the truck and their guns facing up.

A woman grab my attention as she calls me. I woke up from my daydream and looked at her. A strong bump wake me the second time, reminding me how fast are we running.

"*****," she calls out.

I looked at her.

She has a dark brown short hair - brushing her shoulders. Big concerned eyes, you can see her panic between them. She's pretty and wrecked. I can see her face. Completely.

As I scan her, I noticed the child between us. I'm confused, extremely.

All I know is I am running because they are going to kill us and we did something wrong inside their territory.

"You need to wake up,"

That clears out my mind.

I look at her the second time.

"You need to wake up!" She shouted with this desperate voice.

I know this is not real but, how did she?

"It's just a dream and you need to wake up," she insist.

"You know it's just a dream,"

I know

I am so confused.

"You need to wake up..."


I woke up

I can still see her face up until now. Her desperate face crying out loud in front of me, as if she's telling me if I don't open my eyes now I won't be able to do later by then. Something is telling me that she said that to me.

She can't say it.

Something will happen

I was fighting for air when I opened my eyes. What was that?

Did she tell me that to
Save me or to Save us?

That face
That voice
It's too real

Is it? Is it not?

Thank you for Saving Us

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