Chapter 8

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Michelle's POV

I tried to stop her pero wala, ambilis nyang maglakad. 


Sa office ni Dad.

"Dad, I've gone through the accounting for the charity event, and everything seems to be in order. The funds are allocated properly, and the expenses are within the budget" I said as I handed over the neatly organized documents.

"Great job, Michelle. I knew I could rely on you for this task" Dad replied with a smile, glancing over the papers. 

It felt good to see that he was genuinely appreciative of my efforts, even if it was just reviewing finances.

As I was about to leave the office, the words I had been holding back for so long suddenly tumbled out, 

"Dad, can we talk about something? You know, that promotion I've been asking you about?." sabi ko. I mean medyo wala parin akong tiwala sa babaeng yun, malay naman natin nagbago na pala ang isip ni Dad.

He looked at me, his expression shifting from the warmth of our previous conversation to a more serious one. And I can feel it, parang di nga maganda ang kalalabasan ng usapang to. Pero kahit ganun, I still tried my best to keep myself calm in this situation.

"Michelle, I've always admired your determination and passion, but I need to be honest with you. The position of CEO requires a certain level of experience and expertise. You're still young and have a lot to learn. Rhian, on the other hand, has a proven track record in the industry, and she's been instrumental in the company's growth."

I nodded, trying to hide the hurt that I felt. I had known for a while that Dad saw Rhian as the ideal successor, but hearing it again was a bitter pill to swallow. 

"I understand that, Dad. But I've been working hard, trying to learn as much as I can. I've been here since I was fresh out of college, and I've seen the company evolve over the years.  I genuinely believe in the company's vision and want to contribute to its success--"

Dad leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on me. 

"Michelle, it's not about you being my daughter. It's about making the right decision for the company's future. Rhian's experience and leadership qualities are what the company needs at this point. I've always wanted the best for you, and I believe there are other ways you can contribute significantly."

"But Dad, I can learn and grow into the role. I'm willing to put in the effort" I said, my voice wavering slightly as I tried to hold back tears. I felt a mix of frustration and sadness. 

Why couldn't he see that I was capable?

He sighed, his eyes softening as he looked at me. 

"Michelle, you have no idea how much I believe in your potential. But being a CEO is a huge responsibility, and I don't want to put you in a position where you might struggle and feel overwhelmed." Sabi niya.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. 

"I appreciate your concern, Dad. But I also want you to understand how much this means to me. I want to prove myself, not just to you, but to everyone in the company."

He reached across the desk, placing his hand on mine. 

"I know you're capable, Michelle. And I'm not saying you won't get there someday. But right now, I need to do what's best for the company and its employees. I hope you can understand that."

As I looked into his eyes, I saw a mixture of love and regret. It was clear he was torn between his role as a father and his duty as a CEO. It wasn't the answer I had hoped for, but it was one that I needed to accept – at least for now.

Listening to my father's reasoning made sense on some level, and I couldn't deny that he had the company's best interests at heart. Still, a surge of resentment boiled within me, directed not just at my father, but also at Rhian. 

It was hard to shake off the feeling that she had somehow taken away a chance that I believed should have been mine.

I nodded slowly, trying to keep my emotions in check. 

"I get it, Dad. I really do. It's just... hard to accept, you know?"

He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"I know, Michelle. I know this isn't easy for you, and I wish there was another way. But I want you to remember that your contributions matter just as much. You've done incredible work here, and your future within the company is still bright."

I managed a weak smile, appreciating his attempt to console me. 

"Thanks, Dad. I'll keep that in mind."

As I walked out of his office, a mix of emotions swirled within me. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy and bitterness towards Rhian like usual. It wasn't entirely fair, and I knew that. Rhian had worked hard for her position, and my father had seen something in her that made her worthy of the CEO role. But that knowledge didn't make the resentment go away.

I headed back to my own workspace, needing a moment to collect my thoughts. Sitting at my desk, I stared at the computer screen, my mind a jumble of conflicting feelings. It wasn't just about the promotion. It was about my place within the company, about proving myself not just to my father, but to everyone who doubted me.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that my journey was my own. It wasn't about comparing myself to Rhian or seeking validation from others. If I wanted to make a meaningful impact, I had to focus on what I could contribute, regardless of my title.

As the days went on, I threw myself into my work with renewed determination. I reviewed projects, collaborated with colleagues, and put forth ideas that I believed could benefit the company. Slowly, the bitterness began to fade, replaced by a sense of purpose and a drive to prove that I was capable, regardless of the title I held.

While the resentment towards Rhian lingered, I chose to channel those feelings into motivation. I wasn't going to let this setback define me. Instead, I was going to use it as fuel to push myself further, to excel in every aspect of my role. Whether or not I ever became CEO, I was determined to make my mark, for myself and for the company I cared about so deeply.


"Dad, you know that's just absurd, right?" I exclaimed, my eyebrows shooting up in surprise at his unexpected suggestion.

He chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. 

"Hey, I'm just trying to find a creative solution here."

I shook my head, unable to hide my disbelief. 

"Marrying Rhian? That's not exactly a business strategy, Dad."

He laughed heartily, leaning back in his chair. 

"Okay, okay, you've got a point. But you know, sometimes the best partnerships are the most unexpected ones."

I rolled my eyes, a reluctant smile tugging at my lips. 

"Yeah, well, I think I'll stick to trying to prove myself without resorting to marriage."

He grinned, giving me a mock salute. 

"Your call. Just remember, I'm here to support you no matter what."

I shook my head again, chuckling softly. 

"Thanks, Dad. I appreciate the sentiment, even if your ideas are a bit you know, unconventional."

As I left his office, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. Leave it to my father to come up with the most outlandish solutions to a problem. 

While the idea of marrying Rhian for the sake of the company was utterly ridiculous, it did make me realize one thing – my father's quirky sense of humor was a reminder that no matter how serious things got, he would always be there to offer a little bit of lightheartedness in my life.

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