Part One

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'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' are the obnoxious noises coming from my phone. The day has finally come, 2nd of June, 2023- the day of the Arctic Monkeys concert. 

On a normal day, I would need to gain a lot of motivation to leave my warm, comfy bed; however, this day was an exception. Immediately as I heard the unfriendly noise of my alarm clock, my face juxtaposed it with this smile of an idiot. I was grinning from ear to ear like a sinister antagonist grin with a malicious plan in mind. I mean, who knows what this day will hold? Perhaps I'll finally meet the man of my dreams? Actually.... that'll probably never happen as I'm completely delusional for Alex Turner.

Elastically, I jump out of my bed and face my closet. I don't even need to wait a minute to think about what I want to wear which is black, Doc Martins, skirt, crop top and leather jacket. If you don't wear a leather jacket at an Arctic Monkeys concert, are you even a fan? It feels illegal not too. 

Finally, an outfit isn't complete without a little bit of make-up! Looking in the mirror I decided that a winged eye liner would be the best option. It really compliments my dark eyes. Despite me practising for years it takes me a couple of attempts to perfect my eye liner. I just want to look perfect! I then finish the look with some dark, crimson lipstick after I finish my cooked breakfast as I'm going to be waiting in line for a long time.

Satisfied with everything, I give myself a pep talk in the mirror until my friend (Maya- who's also going to the concert) picks me up. When I finally see her outside, I give myself a nod of approval and leave.

Immediately as I enter the car, she asks what we should listen to.

"How about we tune into Rigor Mortis' Radio?" I reply.

"Pfftttt, scratch that, we're going to listen to the Arctic Monkeys." she said.

I only recommended that option as I didn't want to be 'Arctic Monkeys' out for the day. I want us to be as hyped up for the concert as we can be. 

The music was also brought to the line which we were sitting in to keep us entertained in the hot, scorching sun that was burning our skin. Time was passing slowly, each second felt like an hour. I felt like a prisoner that was being sentenced by the Arctic Monkeys to stay in this line to see freedom. We got so bored that someone started talking about some other band called 'The Hives'. Apparently they're playing tonight. My intregion kept me entertained for the rest of the long wait to see if The Hives lived up to their hype. Before I knew it.... the line was moving into the venue!

When the doors opened, the line moved very swiftly. The venue was working like an army unit to provide to as many people as they could. I quickly got my ticket out so I wouldn't be holding anybody up and gave it to the ticket man who put a purple and white stripey wristband on me which said 'front pit'. At this moment, I knew I had no time to waste! If I wanted to be noticed by Alex, I needed to run to the barricade. 

I grabbed Maya's hand after she got her wristband and we sprinted through the grand entrance and straight to the barricade- opposite to where the lead singers would sing. Maya and I looked at each other and squealed. We actually did it! We got a barricade! I was thinking maybe if I could sniff him from where I was standing? I've always dreamt about being barricade in an Arctic Monkeys concert. Now those dreams are becoming a reality. 

The only thing between the Arctic Monkeys and I was the support acts. 'Come on!' I thought. The Mysterines came on and they didn't really capture anyone. Most people were getting their drinks for the Arctic Monkeys. But then... all of a sudden... this funeral march music started playing. 'What is this?' I thought. Has someone died? I hope it wasn't Alex.....! 

Four men came out with their heads down in a black suit with various of white patterns ranging from lighting bolts to music notes. Straight away, I was encapsulated. Their garage punk rock was running through my ears to my veins. 

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