Chapter 5 - Revelations

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Harry stood, staring at Neville and the other members of the D.A., until Hermione broke his trance.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice was almost at a whisper. "I think you can let go of me now," she added uncomfortably. Harry, forgetting he still had his arms wrapped around her, stepped back suddenly.

"Sorry," he said embarrassedly.

"Don't apologize, Harry. Thankfully your reflexes are faster than mine," she said gratefully. He returned a weak smile and turned to greet his friends.

They spent the rest of the ride to Hogwarts eating, laughing, playing exploding snap and exchanging stories of their summer vacation. Even with the thought of Hermione and Krum lingering in his mind, he had to admit he finally felt like things were "back to normal." His anger ebbed away and he enjoyed the time with his friends he had missed so much.

The sun had set by the time the Hogwarts Express steamed into Hogsmeade station. The group found their way to the carriages and climbed aboard. The sight of the thestrals sent a dull ache through Harry's chest. He watched them from his carriage seat, cantering along as they traversed the grounds to the castle. He never ceased to think of his godfather as the carriage bumped along the trail. Shortly before arriving, he was drawn from his thoughts by a strange sensation. Hermione had grasped his hand in hers. Startled, he raised his eyes to Hermione's.

They didn't need to say anything to each other.

She knew where he had gone. The look on her face warmed him even in the cool night air. She flashed a compassionate smile, squeezed his hand, and let it go as the carriage pulled to a stop.


"I hate this! Why does that blasted hat have to take so long?" Ron moaned as the trio sat at the Gryffindor house table waiting for the remaining first years to be sorted.

"Ron, does your entire existence revolve around food?" Hermione quipped. "I promise there are third world nations that don't take in as much sustenance as you do," she added dryly.

"Yeah, well they would if there were hundreds of house elves slaving for them the way they do for us," Ron said throwing Harry a triumphant smile. Ron always seemed to take special pleasure in pushing Hermione's buttons.

"Oh! Ron you are just ....just...awful!" She exclaimed.

Harry couldn't resist sniggering over Ron's expression. He never knew Ron had so many teeth. Ron didn't need to respond to Hermione's exasperation verbally, seemingly on cue, the welcoming feast appeared on the table. He merely sunk his fork into a boiled potato and stuffed it into his mouth; the toothy grin never fading from his face.

"Ugh!" Hermione guffawed as she spooned beef stew onto her plate.

She's cute when she's angry.


After alleviating the gnawing in his stomach, Harry snapped his eyes to the head table. He hadn't given a single thought to who would be replacing Delores Umbridge as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Apparently, Hagrid had been waiting for the opportunity to catch his eye. He waved so ostentatiously he knocked Professor McGonagall's pumpkin juice clear into an unsuspecting group of Hufflepuff first years. Harry raised his hand with a smirk and continued scanning his eyes down the table. Harry recognized all the teachers, Flitwick, Sprout, Pomphrey...Snape. Not seeing a new teacher among them Harry suddenly had a terrifying thought.

Snape finally got the Defense Against the Dark Arts job.

"What!" Ron exclaimed as he sprayed mince meat pie across the table.

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