Chapter 8 - Kiss

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Mikes POV

I don't think I can tell him.

I know it would break his heart, and he is a very fragile boy.

I feel another few gentle taps on my arm and this time I turn around.

"Are you okay?" Will asks me gently.

I smile at him and nod but he doesn't look very convinced.

I turn around to avoid eye contact with him and I hear him sigh and I feel him remove his hand from my arm. I feel bad but I shake away the feeling and just listen to whatever Lucas is saying.

I see eleven glaring at me and looking at Will, I think she knows something is going on.

(Time skip to the end of the day)
Sorry about all the skips I just
dont think that lessons are
exactly interesting :’)

We are all outside (the party) and some of us are getting our bikes while the rest of us are waiting for our parents.

"Guys we should all do something tonight!" Max announces.

"We should hang out in Mikes basement!" Dustin grins and everybody agrees.

"Yeah sure, come round at 4 and we can do something." I agree, and everybody says their goodbyes, and eventually it's just me and Will.

The air around us is awkward and I am wishing our parents would come quicker.

"A-Are you okay?" Will asks me, sounding shy.

"Yeah, of course why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem.. off." He tells me and I panic.

He can't know it was all a dare, can he?

"No no I'm fine." I nod, trying to reassure him.

"Oh, okay." He nods looking a bit upset.

We stand in silence and eventually my mums car pulls up and I get in, and I look out of my window to see Will stood over at the bike rack, getting his bike.

He waited for me.. that's actually really sweet. I thought he was waiting for Joyce but he wasnt.

I smile at him as we make eye contact and he smiles back, and I see a red blush spread across his cheeks.

My mum drives off and I start thinking about him.

Today was so sweet, he waited an extra 10 minutes just to stand with me and make sure I got home okay. I don't want to tell him about the dare, it will crush him.

I sigh thinking about it and I see my mums heas look towards me.

"Are you okay, hunny?" She asks me, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah." I give her a soft smile which she returns before focusing back on the road.

Wills POV

Something is wrong. I know something is wrong.

Mike has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and he was not okay today.

I tried talking to him, I tried. I tried at lunch and I tried not long ago, but every time he either ignored me or just brushed me off. I don't know what I did wrong.

Maybe he thinks I'm weird. Maybe he doesn't want to be my boyfriend anymore.

No, no he can't! Ive been waiting my whole life for this and it's only been what, a day?

I pull up to my house and get off my bike, and I walk inside.

"Im home! Is anybody here?" I yell into the house as I walk further inside. I walk into the kitchen and see a note taped to the fridge.

'Working late, there is food in the fridge if you want it, love mum ♡'

I sigh and decide to go to Mikes house a bit earlier then he told us since I jave nothing better to do.

It took be 30 minutes to bike home so its 3:30 and we are meant to be there for 4. I guess if I went now I would only be about 15 minute's early since it doesn't take too much time to get there.

I nod to myself and get on my bike and start peddling towards Mikes house.

Maybe I should compliment him more, tell him his outfit looks nice or his hair is really pretty when it's all curly. Maybe I need to be more touchy, like holding his hand and stuff. I don't know, I just hope he doesn't dump me. Him confessing was the best moment of my entire life, I mean I have loved that boy for like 5 years! It's like a dream, it feels too good to be true.

I smile to myself and I realise that I am entering Mikes road now so I stop thinking about him and focus on the road.

I pull up in front of his house and knock on the door.

"Will! Come in sweetheart, Mike's in his room." She smiles at me.

"Okay, thank you!" I smile back and walk upstairs.

I knock on Mike's door and hear a faint 'come in' so I open the door and he looks surprised.

"Hey Will.. I thought you weren't gonna be here until 4?" He asks me.

"I know, sorry, just my mum was out and Jonathan wasn't home so I thought it might be easier to come here a bit earlier." I smile and he nods and pats the bed next to him.

I walk over and sit down and we sit in comfortable silence for a minute.

"Are you sure you were okay today? I know you have told me your fine but I just felt worried because you looked really upset and I just wan-"

He kissed me.

{Word Count: 934}

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