05- hiding

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"I'M HIDING IN pansy's bathroom right now," annie whispered into the camera.

"she managed to get my number somehow, and now i'm waiting for them to get here so i can get caroline's reaction on her face."

"she also very conveniently left her camera at home which makes things easier for me."


"okay. pansy just text me that they're all outside."

"i've been waiting in the bathroom for half an hour, but they gave me this really fucking fancy cheese plate-" she showed the camera "-and a new vape. it's blue raspberry flavoured. i didn't think i would like it, but it's growing on me."

"let's go catch caroline!"


caroline and pansy were chatting on the couch, the former oblivious to her best friend recording them.

the doorbel rang. "i think that's the food, can you grab it for me real quick?" pansy asked.

"oh yeah, of course," caroline went to get it.

annie sneakily crawled behind caroline to record her reaction.

draco was confused. "what was the big-"

caroline screamed. like a loud, high-pitched could-be-getting-murdered type of scream.

"you're draco! and blaise! and theo! oh my god! and luna!" she bounced.

"this was the surprise?" draco looked over caroline.

"nice, innit? caroline, everybody. everybody, caroline." she introduced them.

"would it be weird to ask for a hug?" she asked draco in a low voice.

he looked down at her with a small smirk and spoke in an equally as quite voice. "i reckon you'd give me one anyways."

caroline grinned and hugged him. "you do wear antaeus," she whispered.

"you're starting to sound creepy," annie informed her friend.

caroline pulled away and smoothed the nonexistent wrinkles on her shirt. "you're right, annie."

she turned back to draco and held her hand out, "i'm caroline astor. pleasure to make your acquaintance."

he raised a brow but shook her hand anyways, "you knew what i smelled like before i knew who you were."

she ignored him and cheesed at the camera, "i'm holding hands with draco malfoy!"


the whole group was now seated at pansy's dinning table with caroline and pansy sitting next to each other at the head.

"today, we will be playing truth or dare," she informed the audience.

"except to make this more fun, we will be involving alcohol," pansy held up a clear bottle.

annie snorted, "and we know care does not handle pressure or alcohol well."

"i'm swaggalicious," she shrugged, "so who cares?"


"i dare you," luna slurred, "to sit on draco lap for the rest of the game.

caroline sighed and stumbled over to a shirtless draco.

delicate, draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now