21- croquembouche

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"PANSY IS CURRENTLY trying to make- what is it you're trying to make?" caroline turned to pansy.

the two were standing in pansy's kitchen, with a bunch of bowls and ingredients in front of them.

"a croquembouche," pansy smiled.

caroline grinned, "with violets?"

"why the fuck would i be using violets?" pansy scrunched her face up.

"like grace from the american girl movie." caroline blinked. "she wanted to make pineapple upside down cake but another kid took it, so she made a violet croquembouche."

"you're so weird."


"how did a twelve year old manage to make pâte à choux?!" pansy groaned as she stirred the dough.

"you forgot to add the eggs before the milk," caroline said from her spot on the counter next to the stove.

"okay, but you usually add them together!"

"you have to cook the eggs into the flour to make the paste and then add the milk to thin it out!"

"wait seriously?" she blinked.

"i think so, i didn't read the recipe," caroline shrugged.

"what the fuck, caroline! you've been telling me what to add!"

"well you haven't been listening anyways!"


"we ordered a croquembouche from the fancy bakery down the street," pansy sat down in front of the camera. "but someone knocked, so i made caroline answer the door. we're close enough for that."

"draco's here!" caroline walked back in, her face red.

"what are you doing here?" pansy sneered at her bandmate. "don't you have something better to be doing?"

"wow, pans, feeling the love." he leaned against the door frame. "what are you two doing?"

"we tried to make a croquembouche," she sniffed, "except caroline messed it up so we had to buy one."

"i never touched anything that went into the pot!" caroline defended herself.

"you were giving me instructions!"


"see," draco held up the pot containing perfectly made choux, "not too hard."

"go fuck yourself," pansy got up and walked away.

"did you still want to make them?" draco turned to caroline.

she shrugged, "it wasn't my idea. but let's do it so she stops whining."


"you have flower on your face," caroline informed draco.

"i do?" he attempted to wipe it off but only got more on his face.

"you just got so much more on there," she giggled.

"you think that's funny?"

she nodded, "terribly so."

"fine." he turned back to the counter.

"what do you mean 'fi-"

caroline was cut off by a large handful of flour being dropped on her head.

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