Chapter 18

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Upon arriving back home, Will breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped out of the car, eager to escape to the privacy of his own room and away from the scrutiny of his hosts.

Climbing the stairs to his room, he pressed his hand against the front of his nappy, relieved to feel that it was still dry.

Yet, despite knowing that he hadn't wet it, he found himself doubting himself. Why did he feel this way? Was it because of the confusing mixture of feelings that had come up since Audrey had put him in a nappy? Did he really need it after all?

Will's mind was a whirlwind of confusion. He had never felt so uncertain about himself and for the first time, he began to feel very homesick. He held back the tears, but inside he was crying for his Mummy.

He was determined to resist any tears. He reminded himself that he was almost an adult and that crying for his Mummy at his age was pathetic.

Despite his desire to act like a grown up, the sensation of the diaper snugly wrapped around his legs provided an unusual sense of solace.

Even though the thought of wearing something intended for infants made him feel exposed and ashamed, it also gave him a sense of safety.

He couldn't explain why, and knew that it was strange but he felt an overarching feeling of comfort.

Perhaps it reminded him of his younger days and being cared for by his Mum?

Will sat down on the edge of his bed, feeling lost in his thoughts. The turmoil of emotions and uncertainty was overwhelming, leaving him unsure what to do next.

His fingers toyed with the tapes of his nappy, he had a strong urge to tear it off and discard it in an attempt to prove he didn't need it and to return to normality.

Yet the memory of Audrey's stern expression made him hesitate. What if he experienced an accident during the night and ended up wetting the bed?

Will took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of his own breathing, but irrespective of how much he tried to ignore it, the slightest movement led to a gentle crinkling of the nappy.

Will took several minutes to consider his options. He found it strange that he was in such a predicament, especially since he was convinced just a few weeks ago that his days of nappies and bed-wetting were long behind him.

The thought of wearing a nappy to bed felt like an admission of needing it, and that realisation unnerved him.

However, recent incidents had shaken his confidence, and he was genuinely concerned about making it through the night without any accidents.

The idea of wetting the bed and having to confess to Audrey was too mortifying to endure and despite his best efforts to ignore his strange feelings, the comfort and security that it provided him was weighing heavily on his mind.

After several minutes of contemplation, Will decided that it was better to be safe than sorry.

He convinced himself that a wet nappy would be preferable to a wet bed, and if he did have another accident, he could discreetly dispose of the evidence.

He reassured himself that he was making the right decision - it was a simple insurance policy. He resolved to wear the nappy for just one night, to grant himself some peace of mind.

Tomorrow would be a new day,  a fresh start, and he could leave this ordeal behind, returning to his usual underwear but for now, the security of the nappy brought him a small measure of calm and safety.

Will let out a deep, resigned sigh as he shifted on the bed, the crinkling sound of the nappy and the plastic sheet beneath him a constant reminder of his current plight.

Memories of past bed-wetting episodes filled his mind, fuelling his unease and anxiety. As his head sank into the pillow, he couldn't help but wonder what the future might hold.

Would Audrey expect him to wear a nappy again? Would anyone else discover his humiliating secret? Could he trust Phoebe to keep her promise and not share his predicament with others?

The uncertainty was suffocating, but one thing was clear - he never wanted to feel like this again.

Will reached for a book, hoping to distract himself from the storm of thoughts that swirled around him. But the weariness of the day soon caught up with him, and his eyelids grew heavy, giving way to a deep sleep.

Will didn't even have the energy to turn off the light before he crashed out, and so it remained on, a gentle presence in the darkness. The room was silent, save for the soft hum of the lamp, casting a warm, soothing glow over the bedroom.

As Will slept soundly, Audrey's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she made her way to Will's room. Peering down at him, she checked to see if he was still wearing the nappy she had put on him earlier.

To her surprise, he was still wearing it, and it was still dry.

A tender smile graced her face as she leaned over him. Carefully, Audrey tucked the covers around his body, ensuring that he was snug and comfortable.

Her gaze then fell upon the lamp, its warm, comforting light bathing the room. She reached out and switched it off, plunging the room into a tranquil darkness.

After one last, affectionate glance at Will, Audrey tiptoed out of the room, taking care to close the door softly behind her.

Lost in his dreams, Will's soft snores filled the room, punctuated by the occasional deep breath. Nestled securely within the comforting confines of his sleep, his fears and uncertainties were temporarily held at bay, granting him a brief reprieve.

As he soundly slept, he found himself in an enchanting dream, where he was reunited with his parents at a picturesque location, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature.

Together, they had embarked on a leisurely hike towards a mesmerising waterfall, its cascading waters shimmering in the sunlight, creating rainbows as the mist mingled with the warm rays.

The sound of the rushing water and the playful laughter of his family filled the air as they enjoyed a picnic beside the waterfall, the cool spray providing a refreshing respite.

Oblivious to the world around him and ignorant of Audrey's visit to check on him and inspect his nappy, a smile graced Will's face as he dreamed of happier times.

Little did he know that his nightmare had only just begun, and he would find himself in even more embarrassing situations in the days and months to come.....

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