Chapter 23

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The morning sun cast a soft glow through the curtains as Will slowly stirred awake. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he stretched his arms and yawned, the events of the previous evening still fresh in his mind.

It took him a moment to realise the familiar wet feeling in his crotch area. A faint dampness clung to him, and as he moved, a crinkling sound filled the air. He pulled the cover off to inspect the nappy. It was clear that he had soaked it.

He couldn't believe he had woken up wet. Audrey had changed him into a fresh nappy just before he went to bed and he had still not been able to make it through the night.

Baffled and frustrated, he murmured to himself, trying to make sense of the situation. As if on cue, Audrey entered the room, with a gentle slide on her face.

"Bonjour Will, avons-nous passé une nuit sèche?", as she inquired about the state of his nappy.

Feeling self-conscious about his current state and unclear of Audrey's question, Will just timidly replied with a polite "Bonjour."

He waited for his nappy to be checked, as had been part of his morning routine, knowing that Audrey was about to discover his soaked nappy.

He was very aware that waking up in a wet nappy after being changed by Audrey just before bed would do little to support his case to be allowed to wear his normal underwear again.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and disgust at what he had done, Will waited as Audrey inspected his wet nappy and then looked back at him with an almost nonchalant expression.

He expected her to immediately whisk him away to take off the wet nappy, but to his surprise, she simply nodded and gestured for him to head downstairs for breakfast.

"Allez, Will, le petit-déjeuner nous attend," she said in a reassuring tone, as if his wet nappy was an ordinary occurrence.

Reluctantly following Audrey's orders, Will obediently descended the stairs, feeling increasingly uncomfortable with each step due to the bulky nappy that forced him to waddle.

He couldn't shake the self-conscious feeling of wearing a visibly wet nappy in front of the rest of the family.

Despite Guillaume, Louis, and Karim's non-judgmental nature, he still felt mortified by their presence, seeing him in this state.

Heading to the breakfast table, Will couldn't ignore the glances from Karim and Guillaume, who both glanced at his crotch. The obvious bulkiness of his nappy left little doubt about its condition.

Under the weight of their gazes, his embarrassment and self-consciousness heightened. While taking his seat, Will noticed Karim, who also had a wet nappy. Seeing someone else in a similar situation provided a slight consolation, even if Karim was much younger.

While at the table, Louis appeared engrossed in his newspaper, seemingly undisturbed by the situation until Audrey interrupted him with visible exasperation. With a furrowed brow, she finally brought up the topic that had been on her mind all morning - Will's difficulties with staying dry.

Audrey began, voicing her concern, "Il s'est encore produit la nuit dernière, et je peux voir que cela le dérange. Je me demande si ce ne serait pas plus simple de le laisser porter des couches pendant son séjour chez nous. Ainsi, il pourra se détendre et profiter de son séjour au lieu de s'inquiéter des accidents."

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