Chapter 9 - Make out

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Mikes POV

"Are you sure you were okay today? I know you have told me your fine but I just felt worried because you looked really upset and I just wan-"

I kiss him. I hear him gasp but I feel him kiss back.

We kiss for a few minutes before I pull away and he smiles shyly.

I don't know why I did that but it felt pretty good.


"Will, you worry too much. I promise you, I'm fine." I smile.

And my plan of ignoring him goes out the window.

"Okay, if you say so.." He nods, still smiling.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before I move closer to him again.

"Can I kiss you?" I whisper and he nods, going completely red.

I kiss him and he kisses back, and eventually he ends up being gently pressed against the wall, the  door bursting open suddenly.




We hear a mix of yells and I look towards the door to see Max Lucas and Dustin all stood there, covering their eyes.

Will is still against the wall, and we look at eachother and start laughing hysterically.

He is laughing that much he ends up collapsing into the bed and I fall right next to him.

"Jesus we didn't expect to walk in and see you to going at it." Lucas scoffs and I know what he's getting at.

"Whatever, lets go into the basement." I roll my eyes getting up, and I drag Will along with me.

We all go down to the basement and we sit in a circle but theres a gap.

"Wait, wheres el?" I ask.

"Hopper should drop her off any minute, I called her like 2 minutes ago." Max told me and I nod.

"Wait, what do you guys wanna do?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Uhh, movie?" Dustin suggests and I look at Will and be shrugs and nods.

"Sure, you guys pick one and I will go get some food." I tell them and I walk upstairs.

Holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT!! I JUST MADE OUT WITH WILL. This is meant to be a dare!! What the fuck am I doing!? I'm making everything 10x harder for myself..

I am brought back to reality by the sound of the microwave beeping and the sound of popcorn popping.

I open the microwave and grab the bowl and start heading towards the basement before I hear a knock at the door.

I walk over to the front door and see El stood outside.

"Hey!" I smile and she waves at me and smiles back.

"Are we doing a movie?" She asks me, taking her shoes off.

"Yes! How did you guess?" I ask sarcastically and we both giggle.

She goes to walk down stairs but I stop her.

"Hey, uh, we are on good terms, right?"

"Yeah of course." She smiles at me.

I nod and smile back, and we both walk down into the basement just talking and laughing.

We sit down on a couch together and I see Will looking at me. I wink at him and he goes red and turns around. I chuckle to myself and turn to face the TV.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask Dustin.

"The shining." He smirks at me, knowing I don't do well with horror.

"Oh.. fun." I roll my eyes and I hear el giggle.

Dustin starts laughing and he turns the movie on and sits down.

The seating arrangements are me and El on one couch, Lucas and Dustin on one together, and Max and Will on another.

Halfway through the movie I feel a piece of popcorn smack my head and I look around to see Max staring at me.

'Kitchen.' She mouths, getting up and pushing a sleeping Will off her.

I nod and tell El I'll be back in a minute. She looks suspicious but nods anyway.

I go upstairs and Max gives me a stern look.

"Wheeler I fucking talked to you about this today! Tell him." She yells at me.

"Keep your voice down! And it's fine I have it under control, give me a few days." I scold her.

"You said that this morning and guess what I walked in on." She rolls her eyes and I went red.

"Right whatever, it's gonna be fine just sit back down." I roll my eyes back at her.

"If he gets hurt, I will punch you." Max grits her teeth and walks off.

I sigh and lean against the counter for a minute.

I hear soft footsteps and see Will walk up the stairs, rubbing his eyes. He doesn't even see me until he literally bumps into me.

"O-Oh sorry!" He apologizes before looking up.

"Oh it's you!" He smiles.

"Just me." I smile back weakly.

"Sorry I'm just grabbing a drink." He tells me, and I move out of the way so that he can grab a cup.

He fills a glass up with water and we both walk back down stairs. I see him rest his head on Max's shoulder again and she pats his head and whispers something to him.

Something about that made me oddly jealous.

{Word Count: 889}

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