Chapter 7: Saving A Friend

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   I kept limping back to the Roxy Raceway to save Roxy. I was in bad shape after fighting Monty. But I was persistent to give up, no matter how injured I was right now.

  It was quiet since most of the sentry bots around the Roxy Raceway area were deactivated after playing the gaming console in the salon. I was still puzzled by it and still confused as to why Roxy's friends attacked me and the rabbit lady that wanted to kill me as well.

  I made it back to the raceway and noticed she wasn't there. There were only a few parts of her outer shell on the ground which made me worry even more. I looked around to find her until there was a note close to the exit.

  "If you want to know where Roxanne is. Head to the west arcade. I'll be waiting for you. From Vanny." I spoke after reading it.

  I crumbled the note and headed there. It wasn't far as I had to go to the third floor and head to the other side of the main atrium. There were still some sentry bots moving around and which is hard for me to sneak past since I can't run well after Monty injured my tender ankle more while fighting him.

"Shit..." I quietly cursed as I collapsed on the wall as I felt my ankle give out.

  I got back up and was able to make it to the west arcade where Roxy could be at. The bot that was blocking the way earlier was deactivated so it was open for me to head in. I sat at the corner as I waited for the elevator to move.

  I started to feel my head starting to hurt as my vision started to blur a little. Vanny must be around if I felt this way. The elevator opened and went into the arcade. The west arcade looked cooler and better than the east arcade I went in earlier to find the exit. Even it has a dance floor, and karaoke rooms. Wonder why it's required to have a ticket to enter this one instead of the other arcade.

  I heard Chica moving around and I avoided her as I checked around the dance floor and saw The DJ having fun playing his music on stage. I didn't see Roxy anywhere yet and I headed upstairs while avoiding to draw attention to the sentry bots searching around while Chica was walking away from my position which is good. I waited for the sentry bot to look away. I went to it and gave it whack in the back of the head with my crowbar.

  It fell down to the floor and I headed further down the arcade to the security office where Roxy could be. I headed to the office and saw Roxy sitting on the corner damaged as half of her outer shell was destroyed and most of her endo was exposed.

"Roxy!" I shouted as I limped to her.

"Stan...." Roxy says as she twitches a little by her damage.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I'm fine... just need to get to parts and service.... Hurry, I found out... what's happening here..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That rabbit lady was the security guard Vanessa, she was the one.... behind all this... she caused my friends to... act this... way, but why... would she do this?" Roxy explains.

"She could be controlled as well." I answered

"How?" Roxy asked.

"Someone deep here. But I don't know who he is yet. He was in my nightmare." I answered.

  Roxy remembered Freddy telling her who that was during the grand-opening ceremony. She remembered someone named Willaim Aftom. Freddy did warn that William could still be alive. But no one took it seriously and let the Pizza Plex open for business.

"William Afton must be... still alive..." Roxy says as she twitches.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out of here." I said as I attempted to help her stand.

   Roxy was able to stand and we were about to leave but I stopped when I heard the same mystery female voice again. Even Roxy heard it as well.

"You hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah." Roxy answers.

"Go to the end of the maintenance hallway." The female voice says.

   We looked at the end of the hallway with many video game consoles around as they walked.

"That voice is familiar." Roxy says.

"To who?" I asked as I limped.

"Sounded like Vanessa. But why?" Roxy asked.

  As we reached the end of the hallway. We saw another Princess quest console. But it's different. It was the sequel to it. Roxy didn't fully understand it and asked, "Why did Vanessa's voice bring us here?"

"She's trapped in here." I answered as I started the game.

"That doesn't make any sense." Roxy says while a little skeptical.

"It didn't at first, but I believe William trapped her real-self in here." I answered.

   I started playing the game and the princess had a sword this time and started attacking the monsters while proceeding the game. Roxy heard Chica coming at them and I couldn't leave the game till I finish it. Roxy then attacks Chica to buy me time while I try to play the game to free Vanessa.

  Roxy used her strong strength she has as she threw Chica into a few consoles. I hurried and tried to stay calm to finish since the odd force won't let go of my hand to the controls till I finish the game. Chica had the upper hand since Roxy was damaged a little and Chica is functional fully.

  I was able to reach the point of almost finishing it. As I finally finished the game and reached the bedroom. There was an odd glitch to the door in the game and it took the princess into a security office which confused me. The game crashes and lets go of my arms. Roxy was down and Chica was about to finish her off.

  I picked up my crowbar and bashed Chica in the head with it. Chica falls into her side and gets up. I tried to help Roxy up, but Chica grabbed me by the arm and tried to attack me. I kept hitting her with the crowbar until she pulled it out of my hands and slammed me into the floor. I was in pain as my injuries worsened, but still put up a good fight with her.

  Roxy then pulled Chica off me and pulled some exposed wires out of her neck to deactivate her. Chica weakens a little, but I picked up the crowbar and kept hitting her outer shells till her Endo was exposed a little as I tried to deactivate her. Roxy restrained her while I tried to pull her power cell out.

  Chica struggled and tried to fight us until I took her battery out of her Endo. Chica collapsed and was deactivated. Roxy was struggling to stand up and I helped her up to part and services. Luckily after playing the princess quest 2 game, the remaining sentry bots in the main atrium were deactivated. I struggled staying active, as I'm critically injured to the point that I just want to collapse. But Roxy was so damaged that she needed to be repaired that I needed to take her to parts and service. I took her to the main stage elevator and we went down. I screamed in pain as my ankle finally fractured and I fell down.

  Roxy helped me up and headed to parts and services. She then took me to the computer as she walked to the protective cylinder and laid on the operation chair. I went to the computer and turned it on.

  "Welcome to parts and services. Please select your desired procedure." The computer says.

  I picked the full repair and diagnostics option and the machine got to work on repairing Roxy. I then collapsed on my side and lost consciousness.

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