Chapter six: heartach pt2

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•Author's POV•
Hi there friend I hope you enjoy the story before you read this please read the notes<3

•izuku is 15 yrs old and he is a first year in the UA and he currently lives with kirishima and Bakugou he sometimes gets tease or bullied by Bakugou.
•Kastuki is 16 yrs old and is a second year in the UA he lives with kirishima and izuku and he sometimes bullies or teases izuku whenever he gets the chance to.

Now one to the story~ Enjoy!☺️

"The fuck you mean amuse me!" "You obviously wanted to make out with me to just hear embarrassing sounds from me like, Mmm~ and Ahhh~ and all that other stuff!!" "Yea your right~" "see?! I was right, kacchans such a pervert!" "I'm gonna be your fucking pervert pretty damn soon!" *grins* kastuki then hugged izuku and licked his ears and izuku got embarrassed until Kirishima saved the day for izuku and ruined kastuki's!

"Kastuki, the fuck you doing to lil izu?"
"Shut the fuck up shitty hair, and get the hell out shit head!!" "No!" "Yes" "no" "yes" "BRO" "WHAT" "bye ;-;" *flicks Kirishima off🖕* yeah whatever!" *leaves* *grins* " heh! sooo where we're we again oh yea!" "No moreee pleasseee!!"
*licks izukus neck* "nnnnggggghhhh, stop kacchan please~" *stops and gets close to izukus face* "Uhm senpai, what are you doing..." "sometimes you make me feel horny with that attitude" "ah.." he then gets embarrassed and leaves the room to go to kirishima.

"Senpai! Bakugou is being a pervert!!" *hugs•
"Poor izuku" *back hugs izuku* "ohh~? Kirishima! What'll be your new nickname?" "Uhm your can probably call me kir- mmph"
*kisses kirishima* "haah" "izu.. w-why'd you do that" "felt like it" *shrugs* "hah.. ok, izu"  "yeah kiri?" "Chill with me?" "Ah! Okayy! Also I'm gonna sleep in your room for the next few days before break is over!"  "oh okay!" *smiles* "lemme get my blanket" *goes to get blanket*

•Deku's POV•
AhhhHhhhHhh I'm living with hot men!!!
Omgg ahhhhhh~ what do I do!!

"I'm back kiri!" *lays on kirishima and covers them both while kirishima wrapped his arms around his waist* "Mmm~" *snuggles on his chest* "kiri your so warm~" " heh, thanks i guess!  But what do you wanna watch" "anything but a scary movie! I don't like them!!" *hides* "Yo, shitty hair, where's izuku?" "Right here with me dude!" *looks at izuku* "hi kacchan!"

•••••••••••••••••••Awkward Silence•••••••••••••••••

"What The Fuck;-;? What's going on shit head?" 
"Whatcha mean?" *izuku get up* "what's wrong kacchan?" "Why you laying with kirishima!"
"Is it wrong?" "Tch nevermind fuck it" "huh?"
*goes back to laying on kirishima* "what's with him?" "I dunno! Mmmm~ Kiri" "huh?" "Uhm c-can I get a kiss....." "uhh, sure okay?" And they kissed for quite some time now when they heard knocking at the door! They thought it was kastuki so they didn't mind it until the person knocked again and asked "hello kirishima are you there!"

"Oh it's kiminari,Im coming bro!"

"Hi there I hope you enjoyed this story! I'll be back with another story follow me to keep yourself updated on more BakuDeku 🧡💚 stories! <3 and I will see you
Next time buh-bye!

TBC (to be continued)

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