Chapter 10 - Im losing my Bestfriend...

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T’s P.O.V

How did I lose my best friend? The boy I knew wouldn’t make me cry, the boy I knew told me I always made him smile; now he’s lying all alone. I just feel like I’m waiting for the phone call to say he’s gone. To say he’s finally given up. I just want him home. My hearts racing and my hands are shaking. My phone rung…

Dappy: T you good?

Is that a serious question? Dappz I just want some time alone yeah ill call you in a bit

Dappy: Ok T take care

*hangs up*

T’s looking through all of the photo’s she had taken with Dan, all the daft faces they pulled and all the loving ones too. Her eyes were crying thousands of tears and she couldn’t stop. Reading messages she had sent him and he had sent her back. She began to realise that she was going to lose him. She got one of Danny’s hoodies and put it on holding it to her nose, she could smell him, that same aftershave she first smelt on him that she loved.

She phoned for a taxi and it came about ten minutes later…

Drive: Alrigh darlin’

*smiles* Camden General please

Driver: No problem

T sat in silence all the way to the hospital until she had to pay

Driver: Your Tulisa!


Driver: Would you mind if I got a picture?

If you’re sure you want one of me a mess…

Driver: You could never look a mess darlin’ *takes pic* would I be cheeky if I asked for your autograph too?

*smiles* not at all what do you want signing?

Driver *hands T Ndubz keyring * this please t

You’re an ndublet?

Driver: Secretly yeah!

Ahh cheers that’s great! What do I owe you?

Driver: Nothin its on me!

You sure?

Driver: Yea course!

T gave the guy a hug and started hopping towards the hospital. She didn’t know how she had been so pleasant to him when all she wanted to do was scream and cry be as much of a bitch as she could be after all she did have an excuse. Eventually she got into the hospital as a Doctor went running up to her.

Doctor: Tulisa!

What is it?

Doctor: Dannys asking for you


Doctor: Mr Simpson is asking for you

T was like a pro on crutches so she started hopping as quick as she could to Dan’s room with tears streaming down her face, she thought she was loosing him. Why hadn’t the hospital phoned to say he was awake?

A nurse was seeing to Danny so the door was open and T didn’t have to try and fail to open it while holding onto her crutches.

Danny: T!

Danny have you seen what you’ve done to me, I’m a flippin mess!

Danny: What you crying for you lemon!

They’re happy tears, I thought you were *breaks down*

Danny: Ayyy T babe, I aint going anywhere, hold my hand.

T grabbed Danny’s hand and cried into the bed. Danny knew the right thing to do would be to tell her that he cheated on her and that was why they were in this situation but he couldn’t not now he had T back and he was never going to lose her. He was never going to be so stupid so she didn’t need to know…

Danny: I should be outta here soon babe

We can start getting back to normal?

Danny: As normal as possible

Did I have an Ferrari and an Audi?

Danny: yeah you did a red Ferrari and a while Audi, but we can buy you another one of each…

You’d buy me one?

Danny: *laughs* Yeah as long as you bought the other and I got a thank you *winks*

Oh Dan, I can’t believe how much of a scare you gave me I thought I was going to have to live on my own and I would have no one to vent to. I was scared I would have no one to care for me and your my best friend and boyfriend all rolled into one and if I’d lost you I honestly don’t know what I would have done I couldn’t cope with it. I love you so bloody much Dan.

Danny: Well I’m right here and I aint going anywhere for a long time. I love you too T. *whispers* I’m so sorry

A few days later Dan’s discharged from the ward but warned to take it easy, which he fully intended on doing anyway. Holly and Ryan were on their way down to London to see T and Dan along with Danny’s coach because even though he’s a strict twat he does care about his players.

Dan: I’m so glad to be home!

I’m glad to have you home, it’s been so empty and I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself.

Dan: I tell you what I fancy…

Me *laughs*

Danny: Mmmmm but I doubt we can do anything other than snuggle and kiss at the moment!! Something different…

I can think a few things but I’ll surprise you, go on…

Danny: A stuffed crust pizza and a game on the PSP!

You’re sure you should be active with your thumbs that much! *laughs*

Danny: *laughs* erm yeah I think my mouth should be ok eating the pizza too!!

Oi, just because you’re a little out of shape doesn’t mean you can be cheeky and not get into trouble!

Danny: You’re just as cheeky

Danny phoned for the pizza and T turned the T.V on and went and paid for the pizza with a bit of difficulty but she just about managed. T flopped down next to Danny and picked her leg up and put it on the sofa bit that pulled out so it was raised (doctor’s orders). T was absolutely smashing Danny’s score so he started gently tickling her which was enough to put her off for a couple of minutes. When they had finished their game and ate the pizza from the box they just snuggled and watched some telly.

From Holly:

Hey T, about 10 minutes away are we ok to just let ourselves in? xxxxxx

To Holly:

Of course you can babes the doors open see ya soon xxx

Holly and them are nearly hear dan!

Dan: *groans* but I want to spend time with my little T!

*laughs* Big D can when they go they’re only staying a few days!

Dan: *groans louder*

Dan starts playing with T’s hair as she rests her head on his shoulder he couldn’t believe his luck. T couldn’t remember a thing about him cheating on her and that’s how he wanted it to stay, he hated what he had done and didn’t constantly need reminding so it was the best outcome that T couldn’t remember…

Holly: Ayyyy T your alive girl!!

You didn’t think I was dead did you *laughs*

Ryan: Alright mate

Danny: Alright Ry! Missing me at training yet?

Ryan: I would say yes but we miss out on hearing ‘T this, T that’ so *laughs*

Danny: So that’s a NO! *laughs* you cheeky shit!

Holly went and got them all a drink and some rubbish that she found in the cupboards, she intended on spoiling T and Dan as much as possible…

Holly: Right I think we’ve got some catching up to do!

Its a love story, Baby just say Yes!  (NDubz, Tulisa)Where stories live. Discover now