Chapter 21

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"Awww ... Look at that. Mother-son bonding. I think I am going to cry" says Mateo and enters Ezra's room. He then continues "oh, wait, I am not that sympathetic. So I can't cry. Although. I am loving this"
Ezra loosens his grip around Athena and she falls back, coughing to catch her breath.
"You know, my mother and I didn't have a great relationship either. She was always like... Oh Mateo, be a good boy. Don't kill for money. Don't be greedy and marry that whore for her father's illegal business... Blah blah blah" says Mateo.
"He tried to kill me" says Athena.
"Yeah, that was a little extreme. I mean, you are in her territory. You don't expect to casually walk out of this island after killing the owner. You know what, let's sleep on it. We can discuss this over breakfast" says Mateo.
"He would still want to kill me tomorrow" says Athena.
"Who wouldn't?" Says Mateo and throws Athena over his shoulder and continues "as I said, let's discuss this over breakfast" and without letting Ezra speak, leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Ezra hears a click and knew he was locked in.

"Drop me" screams Athena and after Mateo reached their room, he throws her on their bed.
"Did you see him? He wanted to kill me. Me. His own mother" says Athena.
"You have given a reason for him to do that. That boy has done a lot and been patient for all these years to reach you. I am actually really impressed by his determination" says Mateo.

Athena stands out of the bed and glares at Mateo.
"You knew he wanted to kill me. You brought him here" says Athena.
"We have an understanding. He wanted to meet you, in return I asked for my freedom. He got me out of prison and guess what, he did it without the help of anyone from the underworld. Imagine if we introduce him to people we work with, you know the bad guys. He will be so powerful. Ruling both worlds" says Mateo.
"He. Tried. To. KILL. ME" screams Athena.
"Yes, he did mention that. But I was really bored in prison. I wanted out" says Mateo and strats removing his shirt.
"Over my dead body?" Asks Athena.
"Look, he is a good boy. Let's talk to him and figure this out" says Mateo.

Athena glares at Mateo while he got ready to get in bed.
"Why are you so afraid of him?" Asks Athena observing Mateo.
"Afraid? I am not afraid of him. I just don't want to be on his bad side. Athena, we know how to work with the underworld, hidden from everyone. But he, he broke me out of prison, killed people and left no breadcrumbs for the cops to lead them to him. If that won't impress you, I don't know what will" says Mateo and sleeps on the bed.
"He can't hurt me with so many people working for me on this island. He came alone" says Athena.
"One lion is enough for a pack of street dogs, love" says Mateo.
"I go down. You drown with me" says Athena.
Mateo smirks and says "if I were you, I would worry about myself for now"
He pauses and continues "he scared you. Accept it"

Athena would never accept it and tries to walk out of the room and tries to open the door but it was locked. She tries a few times and then turns to glare at Mateo.
"I have two men outside our door. They are instructed to not let you out after I fall asleep" says Mateo.
"I hate you" says Athena vomiting venom with every word.
"I know. Love you too baby" says Mateo and pulls his pants down.
"How about you show me a good time and I'll consider talking to our only son who wants you dead, you know to not kill you"
Athena was furious and was thinking of her next step.

The next morning, Ezra was standing in front of Athena who was now out of her room.
"Seriously?" Asks Mateo standing on top of the stairs. He walks down the stairs and stands between Athena and Ezra.
"You both were in locked rooms" says Mateo and shakes his head and continues "you both should get to know eachother. You both have so much in common than you would accept"
"Like he wants to kill me and I rather kill than die?" Says Athena.
"I will kill you" says Ezra.
Athena laughs and says "aren't you worried you will not walk out alive if you do so? And I am sure, you would want to live for the little girl who you left back"
Ezra was suddenly alarmed and it didn't go unnoticed by Athena.

Athena looks away from Ezra and says "Mateo hope you don't mind, I invited a guest"
"More the merrier" says Mateo.
"Our guest will be here any minute" says Athena and smiles at Ezra
"you will love the guest. I bet you missed her" says Athena and Ezra knew who was coming.

Ezra looks at the entrance and sees few men escorting Lea in the mansion.
"You shouldn't have" says Ezra.
"I just wanted to meet my daughter-in-law" says Athena.

Ezra watches Lea walk, looking lost to where she was. She looks around and as soon as she sees Ezra, she walks closer to him. She stands in front of him and after both watching eachother for a few seconds, Lea slaps Ezra.
"Welcome to a happily married life, son" laughs Mateo.

Ezra watches as Lea's eyes fill with tears and she says "you killed my father. I hate you"

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