Chapter 1

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     After ten long years, the war is finally over. Even though each and every country fought their best, there was no true winner. The earth was in pitiful shape and mankind was even worse off. Anarchy has filled the streets while mobs form and destroy cities at a time. No form of stability could stay in place for long enough for the world to recover and because of this, the civilized world died with the physical world right behind it. 

     It was a little past 2 A.M when I suddenly woke up to a loud voices outside. I quickly grabbed my glasses off the night stand next to my bed, threw them on my face, and pulled the blanket off of my legs. I slowly crept towards my bedroom door. I knew that a lot of people have been wreaking havoc near my area so I thought that I'd check just to be better safe than sorry. As soon as I neared my door, I smelt the strong odor of smoke. I jerked the door open and saw that there was a quickly growing fire at the end of the hallway. The heat was almost unbearable even from so far away. I yelled out for my dad and ran straight towards his bedroom, which was almost directly across from mine. I pushed the door open to see my dad, half asleep and stumbling towards me in a panicked state. 

     He looked down the hall at the burning fire and exclaimed, "What the hell happened Aspen?"

     He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his room as I screamed, "I don't know, what do we do?!"

     After thinking for about a second, my dad reached over and pulled his curtains aside to open his window. As soon as the curtains were pulled away, he drew back and gasped, "What the hell?"

     Immediately, I made my way over to the window and peeked out, and there were hundreds of people in our neighborhood. Some were fighting while others were setting fire to anything they could. I looked at my dad, panicking, and asked, "Well, what do we do now?"

     The fire had already spread in front of the bedroom door while the frame and it's surroundings were starting to burn. My dad ran over to his bed, yanked a safe out from underneath it and hastily mashed the numbers in. He pulled a strange looking compass out and started making his way back to me. 

     "I know this is definitely going to be hard for you, but I am confident this will at least get you somewhere safe. I love you." my dad sadly said. 

     How he could be remotely calm in this situation was beyond me but before I could open my mouth to say anything, he clicked a button on the side of the compass. It immediately started glowing extremely bright, before my vision went completely black. The next ten seconds was the most torturous pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I was in some kind of colorful void where colors streaked past me insanely fast and pain ripped throughout my body as if my being itself was being taken apart and put back together. After what felt like forever, the pain stopped and I felt the hard, cold ground underneath me. With no strength left both mentally and physically, I immediately lost consciousness. 

     *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*

     A strange trotting sound woke me up from my little "nap." The world around me still seemed to be spinning as I took in my surroundings. "How long have I been out?" I thought to myself. I was in some sort of plain. There was nothing but grass and strange trees for miles and miles. I slowly turned my head towards the noise and could not comprehend what I was seeing. It was a horse, except it was almost double the normal size and tusks that jolted out of its head. It looked as if it could kill me easily, so I made a quick movement to get behind one of the trees nearest me. 

     As the horse creature was approaching the pathway nearest me, a small man dressed in a strange brown suit walked out from behind the horse and his eyes fell directly on me.

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