Chapter 4

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     The weapon's shop was absolutely massive. There was every type of weapon that a person could think of! It was also filled with tons of armor, shields, crossbows, and medical supplies.

     "Go ahead and get a weapon that you can see yourself getting used to." Dimora stated, leaning against the wall by the entrance, and then continued, "Don't worry about price, just don't break my bank" she laughed.

     "I appreciate all of your help Dim-"

     "Shush! Now go get your weapon! You can thank me later." Dimora laughed, ushering me on with her hands.

     I started looking at the swords on the wall to the right of the entrance. I had no clue what I was looking for, I don't have any knowledge on weapons like these. 

     "A basic short sword would likely suit you best." Zeno advised, while propping himself up on the wall behind me.

     "Oh? Well you definitely have more knowledge on this than I do..." 

     The swords on the wall in front of me weren't short swords but luckily, the wall on the opposite side had an assortment of different types of short swords. All of them looked similar to me but Zeno was looking over them to see which would be good.

     "Here, try this one out." Zeno pulled a black and golden sword down that was sitting on the third row up. 

     Despite it's short length, the sword was still heavy, but it was obvious that the structure of the sword was very well-made. I could get used to the weight in a couple of days, and plus, it would be good to gain some strength.

     "I think I'll pick this one. Thank you, Zeno. I appreciate your help." 

     He jerked his face to avoid eye contact and muttered, "Its whatever."

     Stereotypical teenager.

     "That's a good-looking sword Aspy." Dimora's voice came from behind us.

      "Yeah! Zeno helped me pick it out, which was awesome since I don't know anything about swords."

     "Dimora, don't you think we should get him a shield for now?" 

     She thought it over and replied, "Actually, I don't think we should. Considering he has no experience, this would be a good opportunity to teach him to parry on instinct, don't you think?"

     Zeno raised his hand up and cuffed the lower part of his face, thinking.

     "That's a bit risky, even for you. Although, I'll still trust your judgement. Let's go pay for this."

     Dimora had paid for my sword too now. Even though I can't pay her back with gold, I don't plan to drag my feet and do nothing on this quest. Now that we were leaving the equipment shop, all we had left was for me to get basic training in before the quest. 

     "We have to leave city limits in order to practice magic, so let's head to the same clearing we used for our last quest, Dimora."

     It was a longer walk than anticipated. We got there in about twenty minutes, which wasn't bad, but we have to report for the quest in only a couple hours. I just needed all the possible practice I can get. 

     "Should we check his affinity for magic or start with his swordsmanship?" Zeno asked.

     "Definitely his affinity, you can try to teach him you Enhance Physical spell. That'd give him a good boost just in case something happens."

     "Enhance Physical is pretty complicated..."

     "Don't worry, I have a solution." Dimora laughed.

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