Dimora's Backstory (Optional Read)

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     Dimora was considered a genius even at a young age. She excelled in every educational path she had taken. Unfortunately, being that smart as a dwarf is irrelevant. The dwarven people are not one that considered anything beyond basic education as a priority. One day, Dimora was near the outskirts of town, doing some shopping for her father when a man suddenly pulled her into an alley and tried to bind her. There was a bad problem with criminals that are desperate for money holding younger dwarves for ransom. As soon as the guy stood after tying her up, a large fireball hit him square in the back. A young mage had saved her life. With the mage's help, the guards came and arrested the man swiftly. This mage ignited Dimora's love and passion for the arcane arts. Although dwarves can not use magic due to their physical body, that did not stop Dimora. 

     Sadly, not long after starting her research, she was faced with an ultimatum. The dwarven king had given her a chance to pick between two choices. Never attempt to pursue the arcane arts again or be banished for eternity. Thus, after refusing to stop, she was exiled. Luckily, she had managed to land a job teaching the dwarvish language in a town not far from the kingdom. The pay was good and eventually, she was able to buy herself enchanted gear in order to become an adventurer. Her goal was to become the first dwarven mage by combining her soul with the spirit of an elemental. This would give her powerful control of the element the spirit is made of. 

     One day, while walking through a desolate town, she found a young boy laying against a wall, off the street. The boy looked about 14 years of age and he was famished. Although he refused at first, Dimora bought him food and asked him to accompany her on her travels. Eventually the two even became an adventure's guild certified team. This young boy was an elf named Zeno. 

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