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Rhea - Ma boo😽
Yas - Main hoe💸
Joe - crackhead🚬
Astrid - kit connors wife💍


Ma boo😽
What's going on!!!?

Kit connors wife💍
One sec I have a screenshot.

Main hoe💸
So he called ur voice gorgeous?
Ur falling hard babes

he hasn't heared her sing!?
DID u read the message properly???

Main hoe💸
OH I read it wrong.
But she I'd falling hard tho

Kit connors wife💍
I didn't reply to him..
I left him on read.
Do u think he's angry wit me?

Ma boo😽
Aw no ash, he's not

Main hoe💸
YE he's definitely not


Kit connors wife💍
UR wit him rn aren't yous?
seen by all.
well at least he's not annoyed.

well at least he's not annoyed

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Liked by kit.connor, rhea.norwood and others.
Thinking abt it..I'm gonna do it.

view comments:

yasdemand: do what??!
Ash.tray: 🤭

sebastiancroft: i never realised how many tattoo u have😲
Ash.tray: I have more😳

joelocke03: babes..what r u gonna do
Ash.tray: just u wait and see jojo

User63: pretty, gorgeous, stunning.
Ash.tray: thank uu!!

kit.connor: what are u going to do?

load more comments..

A/N: hi hope ur all feeling good!!

A/N: hi hope ur all feeling good!!

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Daily dose of kit<3

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