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Ughh bitch Ian never gettin that drunk again. Pressing the power button to silence her ringing phone. Azari sat up and looked at who was calling.

Mmcht this nigga just don't understand. Shaking her head, thinking about the last time her and von spoke. Von has been calling, texting, dming, and emailing her for the past two weeks.

When she said she was over the nigga she meant that shit. Yea, she had moments where she would find herself crying over the times they shared. But she ain't going back.

Well that's what she thought at the moment.

On the other hand, von was at home STRESSING!! He miss his lady. He missed her soft and sweet nurturing. The way she talked to him. The way she would just sit a listen to him talking about his day.

Von just wanted to hear her voice again. Seeing her out last night tweaking on that moneybaggyo nigga really made him SICK. That ain't never cried so hard before. He watched the video all night and just cried. He knew he fucked up. He regretted even leaving the house that night.

He should've just stay at home. Picking up his phone he looked at who was at his door. Seeing it was durk and the boys he got up to open the door for em.

Damn nigga yo ass look pitiful asl, kd said giving him a concerned look. Kd shut the hell up sometimes nigga damn, east said from behind him.

Walking away from the door, von went back to his room to clean hisself up.

Meanwhile down stairs the boys sat in the living room taking about how they were gonna get von and azari in the same environment.

Shid I say, let him figure it out on his own. He shouldn't have done what he did. Shrugging his shoulders east continued rolling his blunt.

Nigga shut yo angry ass up. You know they both miss each other, kentrell said. Yea I do, but still, East shrugged again.

We can just have a dinner- Durk stopped mid sentence as they heard von come down the stairs.

As they all looked at him von spoke. Mann stop fucking looking at me like I'm da oops. Shiddd I mean you did fuck on one of em, kd said raising an eyebrow.

Say slime!! Not another damn word from you, top said giving him a mean glance. Mmcht, nigga swear he somebody daddy, kd mumbled.

Shaking his head, east turned to look at von. You good man? You wanna talk?,He asked. Nahh I'm straight folks, good looks tho. Going into the kitchen von grabbed a water and some honey roasted peanuts from the pantry.

Say have y'all talked to azari? How she doing? Ain't nobody fucking with ha' is they? Von said as several questions flew out at once.

Yea man she straight. But we can tell she miss you dawg. Ha' vibe been different since the shit happened man. Last night was the first she every really just had fun. Other than that she would just sit and be on her phone.

She got dumb drunk last night and start crying and talking about how she her man and how she wish you never did what you did. You hurt her fr bru, Zoie said with a sadden look on his face.

Man I didn't mean. I swear if I could go back in time and change things I would. Ion want her hurting over my fuck ups man, von looked down at the floor as his eyes filled with tears.

Knowing my baby crying over shit I did makes me sick yall. I keep trying to get in contact with her, she just won't reply. I texted the girls they don't reply either.

I know they wanna beat my ass too. Shid Ian mad at em either, von said slightly smile. I miss her so much y'all. I'm crying every damn night about her. I miss having her here n my arms when go to sleep. I miss seeing her smile. I just miss her in general.

We know bru. Alright look what if I called her right now. Would that make you feel better? I hate seeing you this damn sad man. It's making me sad. When me and mines happy asl, zoie said while pulling his phone out to call her.

Hello? Azari said as the FaceTime connected. Her face appeared in the camera. Hey mama, you okay? No, I miss von so bad, she said as her bottom lip quivered. I thought getting sloppy drunk last night would make me feel better. But I miss him even more zoie.

He's been trying to talk to me but I won't pick up. I'm so fucking stubborn. But it's like I'm hurt. I know that's why I called. I'm at his house actually me and the boys. He's wants to talk you love. Waving his hand in a "come here" motion. Von got up to take the phone.

Ima be back zo, with that von went up to his room and sat on the bed. Looking down at the phone he seen a puffy red teared eyed azari.

I'm so sorry baby. I swear I am. I was think with my dick and not my head ma. I know what I got at home. I know I hurt you ma and I'm so fucking sorry.

Knowing I hurt you, hurt me. I'm sorry for lying azari. Just give me one more chance please. I swear I won't fuck it up ma. I don't wanna lose you ma. I can't lose you. Im willing to write my wrongs.

I don't want you crying over my fuck ups. You my whole damn world. I know I broke your trust but ima gain it back, if that's the last thing I do, ima do that azari. I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me. You don't have to forgive me right this moment but please forgive me.

After a moment Azari spoke, wipe your tears baby stop crying okay? It's okay. We gone get through this together. I miss you so much dayvon.

I know baby, I'm sorry for the hurt I put you through. Im won't step out on you again.

Can I come back home now?, Von asked with a pout on his face. Smiling a little azari shook her head yes. Yea baby you can come back home.

Jumping up von went in his closet and packed all his clothes and shoes. Grabbing his suitcases he ran down stairs to the living.

She said I can come back home. Bye! lock my shit up when yall leave, he said while tossing zoie back his phone.

The boys sat there and watch von practically run out the door to his car.

Aye man say man, did that nigga just run out this damn house, kd high ass said coming out the kitchen eating von leftovers pizza.

Good morning hoes😝

Y'all thought I lied when I said I'm dropping for the rest of the week??

I was dead ass☺️🩷

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Aii bye hoessss😝✌🏾

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