Bite Me (Slipknot)

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This contains: fluff, Werewolf!Corey, Vampire!Joey, cuddling, idiots in love, mentions of blood, supernatural/fantasy shit mixed with the real life, basically an AU

Set in 2001

Enjoy ! ;)

Joey woke up to a sound of groaning, shrugging it off and thinking Corey was simply jacking off or fucking a girl after going out to some club to get shitfaced, until he smelled blood. He opened his eyes, biting his tongue as he makes his way to the bathroom. Knocking on the door as he heaed Corey stumble around the bathroom for a bit, which concerned him.

"Don't- I'm busy!" Corey yelled from the bathroom, stuttering and his voice a bit shaky. Corey on the other hand, is inside the bathroom, digging his nails into his arms, which bled. He knew his noises woke Joey up, and the smell of his blood too.

Joey had told him about his secret, Joey being a vampire sort of calmed his nerves on being the only supernatural person, Corey had been a werewolf since '95, after drinking a hexed beer, which he found confusing. While Joey turned into a vampire in '96, by his ex-girlfriend since his ex thought it'd make a great 'fuck you' goodbye. Which it did. Having to bite yourself to prevent your other bandmates getting harmed was difficult and painful.

After a few moments of silence and Joey standing infront of the bathroom door, he had to piss. And he had no choice, or else he'll piss his pants way before the show. "Hey Cor, I really need to piss." He said, keeping his voice sounding as normal as possible. But Corey knew he needed blood, since he hasn't been getting proper supply since two weeks ago.

"Uh... Come in, just- just don't panic when you see me. 'Lright?" Corey requested, which Joey answered with an okay. Walking in and seeing Corey, his blue eyes a yellow color, and Joey's blue-grey eyes turning red when he saw the blood, fuck was he starving. Joey bit his tongue again, Corey stumbling into the shower, closing the door as a way of giving privacy, looking at the wall while Joey did his business. Flushing the toilet.

Joey looked at Corey, although hungry. He wanted to help the poor wolf. "Hey Cor? Do you, drink blood too?" Joey decided to ask, and Corey turned his eyes to him, Corey also starving for blood himself. "Yeah, kinda. I eat anything with blood and flesh so.." Corey explained, about to scratch himself to remove the hunger but he paused, seeing Joey walk over to the shower, opening the door and sitting infront of Corey.

"Bite me." Joey stated, causing Corey's eyes to widen. Thinking what that specifically meant. "Take a bite of me, dumbass. You need to after all, there isn't really a grocery store open at 3 AM." Joey sighs, holding out his arms, and he could see that mischievous glint in Corey's eyes.

"You're practically skin and bones man, I won't get anythin' from you." He joked, causing Joey to roll his eyes. Joey knew Corey didn't want to hurt him, but Joey held out his arm closer. And Corey sighed in defeat. "Fine, but you'll have to drink some from me. You look like you're way closer to death." Corey looked at Joey with a smile, and Joey rolled his eyes at the joke again, but smiling a bit.

Corey held Joey's arm gently, his eyes landing down to Joey's exposed shoulder since Joey had worn a shirt way too big on him. Corey's instincts pulling Joey closer to him roughly and biting onto Joey's shoulder, getting a sharp gasp from the smaller. But Joey endured the pain, clutching onto Corey's white tank top that Joey doesn't know if it was clean or not, but he couldn't care for that.

Corey stopped biting, content with the amount of blood he tasted, his eyes back to the blue-ish color. "Sorry, I'll patch that up." Corey apologized, and Joey shook his head as to reassure it was alright. But he was even weaker than he was just a few minutes ago, and Corey held out his wrist.

"Do I really have to?" Joey whined, feeling embarrassed and guilty like he always would. Corey rolled his eyes this time, biting onto his wrist before kissing Joey. And Joey tasted the blood, kissing back as he moaned in a mix of desire for the blood and a sort of relief that Corey was kissing him, Corey pulled away and Joey immediately drank the blood on Corey's wrist, only drinking enough for Corey to still stay awake. And Joey sat next to Corey this time.

Sitting in peaceful silence, and he couldn't help but wonder, who was the reliable person Corey trusted for his 'wolf' secret to keep? Corey seemed to know what Joey was thinking, and Corey sighed. "I told Shawn, he isn't really the blabbermouth." Corey explained, and Joey looked up at the slightly taller other, nodding.

"Who else have you told? Y'know, about your vampire thing." Corey asked, now fidgeting with his fingers. "Paul, he knows where to find blood for me." Joey answered, and that gave Corey a worried thought. How deep did Paul go through the black market to find human blood? And Joey seemed to see Corey's gaze, which made him laugh. "Relax, it's pig's blood." Joey smiled, seeing Corey's eyes relax.

"So, I'm guessing this'll be our secret?" Corey smirked, and Joey rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

:: 𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳/𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂 ::Where stories live. Discover now