Chapter 12: A Glass Half Full Kinda Guy

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"Shh, you're gonna wake up Mummy. Be quiet, Hydrus," Draco shushes, pushing his curls back.

He struggles at first to pick up his head before his bright eyes carefully watching his father watch his mother.

Draco carefully plucks the boy from Hermione's chest before softly shaking her. "Hermione, rise and shine."

Although, the starry night would not agree with his comment. The moon was at a gorgeous waxing crescent phase tonight, and the fireplace light embellished the features of the house. Yet, her beauty was well attuned.

"Huh?" She mewled, patting absently at her chest. Quickly, she shot up, frantically looking around.

"Hey, I have Hydrus. I was gonna put him in the crib, but I didn't want you to panic," Draco explains, rocking the boy in his arms. He licks his lips shyly. "Then I figured we could talk about everything. A proper si-down, at least the most we can muster."

Hermione nods, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. "I'll put some tea on." She places a soft, sweet kiss on the crown of Hydrus's head. "Goodnight, darling."

Draco fights off a smile. If only he could do this every day. Hermione, him, and Hydrus. A family.

A thrill trickles down his spine as images of his son growing up, and Hermione progressively becomes more to him. A small rock on her left hand, showing his devotion to her; a few more little spawns of them. A girl with a pale face but warm Granger hair, and another small boy that has Hermione's perfect nose.

"Can you say goodnight to Mommy?" Hermione asks the boy in a sugary sweet tone.

Hydrus swings his head forward, planting a big open-mouth kiss slash 'I'm going to eat you' moment.

Hermione wipes away the slobber, happily cooing, "My, you give such wonderful kisses. Have a good night, love."

Draco's heart clenches. This is where he belongs, and he'd give up a fortune to stay here, at this exact moment. He swiftly whisks the boy away, leaving Hermione alone in her living room.

Hermione takes a proper moment to stretch out her aches from sleeping on her cheap couch. The clock on her side table glared at her: 3:30 AM.

She finally finds the energy to put the kettle on while she waits, nervously listening in on the baby monitor.

"Hydrus, you must eat for your mother." Draco takes a serious tone with the boy.

A distant gurgle emits statically through the small box.

"Don't take that tone with me, young man. You will eat for your mother, no matter our rows. You've scared her like that! Do not worry your mother, boy," Draco scolded.

Hermione could picture the deep furrow of his brow and those illuminated eyes pitted with worry. Distantly, she heard a sound of agreement from her son.

A wet kiss echoed into the mostly empty kitchen. "Good night, Hydrus. Have sweet dreams, darling boy."

Hermione rushed to busy herself with the kettle she hadn't noticed was whistling deeply. She fetched two mixed-match mugs that Ginny had given her from one of her many rendezvous with her lovers.

"Hey," Draco whispered softly into the kitchen, watching her from the doorway.

She was exactly mid-pour when his voice graced her ears. She bit the inside of her cheek. "Hello."

"Is tea ready?" He asks, taking in her sleeping trousers rucked at her hips and the flimsy maternity bra that did her no justice.

Hermione drops in a spoonful of honey and holds it out to him. "It seems so. There's milk in the refrigerator if you're in the mood for it."

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